For an easier life Circulation: 183,130,331 Issue: 471 | 24th day of Storing, Y12
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The Dark Spooky Cave

by bripha

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Usul Day Treats!
Some of the most mouthwatering divine Usul cakes and treats you can purchase to celebrate Usul Day!

by xoxkar


The Kreludorian Eclipse
Lilly rolled in her swivel chair away from her writing desk and groaned, throwing her pen onto her Neopian Times writing pad. She was fresh out of ideas.

by uberdancingdolphin


Sophie's Return: Part Five
After being taken to the new mayor of Neovia, Mr. Slytri was allowed to keep living in the city from the Haunted Woods only on these conditions...

by chimaera9


The Usuki Singing Stars #2: A Surprise for Lola - Part One
"I've been hinting about that dress all week," Sparkles whispered to Patricia, who was now joining Sparkles at the Mall window. "I hope I get it for Christmas!"

by downrightdude

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