"The Usuki Singing Stars #2: A Surprise for Lola" by downrightdude "I've been hinting about that dress all week," Sparkles whispered to Patricia, who was now joining Sparkles at the Mall window. "I hope I get it for Christmas! Then I can wear it to your New Year's party." Patricia nodded with agreement; she was also looking forward to New Year's Eve. That was when she and her family would host their annual New Year's celebration. They invited all of their friends every year, and everyone...
The Greatest Usul Day "You know, Usul Day is coming up. Laikania is incredibly picky about her food, as you well know. I doubt there's anything she would like more than a fancy dinner at Kelp in her honor."
Mirror Mirror!: Part Three "Why should I tell you anything else? You cruel, heartless, evil neopet, you do not deserve to learn anything else from me."