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Neoquest II - Those Pesky Random Battles

by ohheyreplay


Don't you hate it when you're just walking in the Haunted Woods and all of a sudden, a mutant Usul comes and attacks you from behind? Well, I know I certainly do. So before those pesky Usuls start gnawing on your ear, use these fool-proof tips to defeating the many creatures that crawl around Neopia, and that one game we call Neoquest II.


Well, when you only have Rohane venturing around by himself, there isn’t much for him to do. In those beginning stages of the game, all he really can do is use his trusty sword and hope it hits his enemy. Besides using the weapon he is currently armed with, he can also throw damage potions, but I don’t suggest wasting them until needed in boss battles. Whatever you do, though, don’t give up if the opposing villain starts beating up on poor Rohane. Make sure you keep using those healing potions on him, and then he shall be strong enough to defeat that pesky monster right to the ground. You should also be grateful that Mipsy will soon be joining him.


TIP: The most IMPORTANT thing with Mipsy is to always check her health. The monsters seem to like to gang up on her, since she has the lowest amount of HP.

Finally, Rohane now has a traveling companion, even though I’m sure she’s giving it a second thought after she saw that cave ogre. Once Mipsy joins the party, she will almost always be using her best magic attack, unless she is throwing damage/slowing/speeding potions. When she first appears, she is actually dishing out a lot more damage, so if any type of potion is needed (which it shouldn’t be unless it is a boss battle), he can throw it. Again, make sure EVERY turn you are checking on the two players' HP. You should actually get into the habit of scrolling after damage is dished out to any player. Also, until Velm joins your party, make sure they heal right away. I have had it happen more than once where I am like, “Well, -insert character’s name here- is fine, let me dish out some more damage on –insert monster’s name here-,” and then they die on me.


Good thing Talinia showed up, because now the attack battles are starting to contain multiple monsters, and that means longer battles. But don’t worry; with Talinia’s bows and arrows, she will help reduce them to dust. When she joins the party, Rohane should be hitting hard with his critical hits, and even his regular hits should be really doing some damage. At this time, Mipsy should be up to her required skill level for either group or direct damage. (I suggest picking group damage first.)

If you chose Direct Damage for Mipsy;

I suggest having Rohane hit whoever has the most HP and Talinia hitting whoever has the second most HP, up until Mipsy can take them out with her direct damage. Remember; if you used Talinia’s skill points on multiple targets, use that whenever it becomes available again. In between, just use single arrows.

If you chose Group Damage for Mipsy;

Everything is still the same, Rohane hits whoever has the most HP, Talinia hits whoever has the second most, and Mipsy uses her magic defense until they finally surrender. Tip: When you brought up Mipsy to her recommended skill points for Group Defense, she is usually taking away 48 HP from each monster. So the goal is to get each monster down to under 48 HP, so then she can finish them off.

Occasionally you will get a single monster battle. In that case, all you must do is have Rohane use his usual attack, have Mipsy use whatever her best magic is, and have Talinia shoot them down with her arrows. Easy peasy lemon squeezie.


FINALLY, you have added your final, and in most cases, most valuable member to your party. At the beginning of each battle, make sure the FIRST thing you do is put up Velm’s shields. Putting these shields up prevent damage to your party members, meaning less time used up healing them. Besides his shields, Velm is in charge of making sure if anybody is in need of healing. Once Velm has Mesmerize or Celestial Hammer (in some cases both), he can use those in between healing sessions.

REMEMBER: Velm’s shields will not last forever; usually they last around 35 seconds. To see when they are about to cast down, check the elapsed time on the bottom of the page, which should be no hassle at all, since you should be so used to scrolling to check the health of party members! While Velm is doing that, Rohane, Talinia and Mipsy should be doing their same stuff as before. Rohane is attacking, Talinia is using her multiple targets while firing single targets in between uses, and Mipsy is using her best magic. Rohane and Talinia should be bringing down each monster's HP low enough where Mipsy can finish them off. In the case of a single monster battle, Velm should still put his shields up and everyone else should just be using their best attack.

So to wrap it up, here are the most important tips you need to survive those pesky random battles.

1. ALWAYS check if anybody needs to be healed, whether it is by a healing potion or Velm.

2. If you get discouraged, remember random battles are how you level up, and by leveling up, you can defeat the boss, and by defeating the boss, you can defeat the game. Always remember the big picture.

3. You should never have to use any type of damage/slowing/hasting potion in the random battles. Those should be saved up for those difficult boss levels.

4. Some numbers may vary. For example, you may have taken Mipsy’s best magic to a different level, meaning she is either hitting harder or softer than stated.

5. If any party member is in trouble, make sure Rohane is using Battle Taunt. This is simply like him sticking his tongue out and saying nananana booboo. This will distract the monsters from –insert in trouble party member here-, and make them attracted to Rohane.

6. This is only one person’s way of conquering these battles. There are multiple ways to do so, and all you must do is find the way that fits yourself best.

7. HAVE FUN! You may think, “Wow, how can I have fun while monsters are constantly scratching, clawing, using magic and memorizing me?” All you have to do is think about it. I mean you are in control of a group of people that are defending their kingdom from incredible monsters, and I think that is pretty darn cool.

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