For an easier life Circulation: 182,917,765 Issue: 469 | 12th day of Storing, Y12
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What Kind Of Neopet Owner Are You?

We all love our neopets but we care for them in different ways and sometimes, this is shown by how we prioritize and decide on things in relation to our pet.

by akitera
Roo Island Needs A Makeover!

No wonder the king was so glum. The island he ruled over had been left out, and his pride was wounded.

by _toffey_
Meepit Conspiracy Revealed!

We are very grateful to the unknown malefactor who thus removed all the Faeries with one fell swoop, and left Faerieland open for conquest.

by mystie06
The Secret of the Gnomes

In this guide, I'll teach you the dangers of Halloween Gnomes and a bit of their biology...

by smart100000
Neoquest II - Those Pesky Random Battles

Don't you hate it when you're just walking in the Haunted Woods and all of a sudden, a mutant Usul comes and attacks you from behind?

by ohheyreplay
Guilding: Finding the Right Guild & Being a Member

Helpful tips to be a good guild member, as well as how to find a guild that is right for you.

by kaylaftw
Bargain Treats for your 11th Birthday Party!

How do you choose the perfect party foods without paying the top prices?

by coraire
Cakes for Neopets 11th Birthday!

If you are hosting a celebration, having a cake or two is an absolute must.

by xoxkar
Top Ten Things to Do on Neopets's Birthday

Following this list will be sure to get you in a festive mood for Neopets's Birthday and jump start your celebrations.

by skizzabella
Another Successful Year In Neopia

*throws confetti and cake* Happy Birthday!

by comawhite333
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Top Ten Things to Do

Here we are again, coming up on Neopets's Birthday (November 15th). This year will mark 11 years that this site has been public! A ton of things have changed over the years. I think the best way to spend this day is to remember things from the beginning of site as well as some of the new features. These are ten things I really recommend doing, in no particular order. Following this list will be sure to...

Other Stories


Dangers of the Fruit Machine
Fifty neopoints doesn't buy much these days, does it?

by emrozi


Edna Makes a Friend
Crokabeks circled overhead as Edna stood in her garden patch gazing upward with one paw shading her eyes from the hazy sun. Where did they all come from? she wondered.

by bittersweet52


The Secret of Geraptiku: Part Nine
"Not everybody you appear to trust is showing their true intentions."

by xaetear


Illusions of Grandeur: Part Three
Late that night, I paced through the darkened mansion like the monster provincial villages tended to name me.

by kittengriffin


To the Tune: Tick... Tick...
A few minutes left!

Also by metakitsune

by xstarfrost


Dr. Sloth's Birthday Surprise
Aww, this is so nice of you.

Concept by ravemuch

by 1992jk1995

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