A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 183,173,032 Issue: 472 | 3rd day of Celebrating, Y12
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Books Go Poof

by joel_hudson

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Tricks for Kicks!
Those creepy gravestones come out of nowhere!

by mmmmmm_candy


The 100 Signs of Neopets Addiction
Wow. That's a lot of signs. o_____________o;

by catlit262


Shea's Nightmare
The purple Shoyru's face was halfway under her covers. "And-an' then what happens if... If the Shadow Usul... catches you?" she squeaked.

by boscoemax


The Piece to a Larger Puzzle
The sun was beating down overhead, and my owner was just lying there by the river, her feet dug into the sand as the desert's sun beat down overhead. My owner always had these bright ideas of adventures.

by deajea

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