teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 183,173,032 Issue: 472 | 3rd day of Celebrating, Y12
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Ready for a New Winter Look?

To tide you over until the holidays arrive, why not try a new paint job? In keeping with the upcoming holiday atmosphere, there are two great paint brush colors to consider.

by bittersweet52
How to Fail at Avatar Games

Well, you might wanna slack one day and just find ways to fail at getting avatars.

Also by smart_and_sassy

by munchie0722

Avatars for the Holiday Season!

There is no better way than to start your wonderful month of Celebrating than choosing a perfect festive holiday avatar!

by xoxkar
Truth About The Gallery Spotlight

A guide in which beans are spilled about the Gallery Spotlight.

by magic_by_heart
10 Reasons to Own a Kiko

Kikos are those little guys that look like balls with arms. Adorable, no?

by omega_hobo_gogeta
Trick-or-Treat: The Truth About Vandebart Biggsby

So much for tricks in place of treats. Mr. Biggsby's much-needed warning went unheeded.

by ironic_cynic4
Make it Merry: Winter NC Fashion Guide

Dress beautifully for the winter season.

by giggilogalmewmew
The 100 Signs of Neopets Addiction

Wow. That's a lot of signs. o_____________o;

by catlit262
The Festive Season – Gift-giving for the Discerning

I mean, I could easily have grabbed them a candy cane each and been done with it, but no – this year, I thought, I ought to put some effort in.

by _misspiggy
Your Beginners Guide To The P3 Habitarium!

You will start out with a certain amount of P3s. In order to begin working proficiently, they need to be spaced out among the resources.

by standingdown
Maximizing your Habitarium's Success

The Habitarium is as fun as it is addictive. However before you start hatching and raising your little P3s, it's good to know what you're getting yourself into.

by makeuptorment
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"A Measure of Trust" by crovv
Hanso noticed she was wearing a Junior Guard's uniform, only a green and white shirt, without the sun design. "Ah," Hanso thought. "A greenhorn." It was unmistakable, the air of a new Guardsman (or Guardswoman... or Guardsgirl, in this Kougra's case, because she was barely old enough to be trusted with anything sharper than a butter knife.) He grinned suddenly, his eyes falling on the small money purse on her belt. Well...

Other Stories


Your Slimy Admirer
Sometimes friendship comes in small and slimy (and unexpected) packages.

by proudpony


Upon Spiralling Mountains
It is said, that a long time ago, when Shenkuu was a small village...

by sylviau


The Usuki Singing Stars #2: A Surprise for Lola - Part Two
"I bet Lola's busy finding more cheap junk for Christmas gifts this year," Scary said. "I still can't believe she gave us those cheap sand thing-a-ma-bobs last year."

by downrightdude


Flowlight: Sun - Echoes of Pride: Part Four
The Witch of the Swamp glared at the world outside in general. "Who are you? Never mind that, why are you here? This had better be something urgent."

by antiaircraft_3


Tricks for Kicks!
Those creepy gravestones come out of nowhere!

by mmmmmm_candy


Oh My Lanta
A year ago this month, my first comic was published. COINCIDENCE? I THINK NOT.

by noobspeak

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