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Get The Xandra Look!

by schoolwars


We’ve all been gripped these past weeks with what’s going on with Faerieland. Battling spectres, rearranging bookshelves and containing spell energies. Now we’ve finally uncovered the character that’s at the heart of this disaster; Xandra. That’s right, it was the seemingly ordinary librarian all along. But love or hate her, you cannot deny the girl has style! Those groovy threads... the luscious locks of hair... and the ‘I’m so smart I understand algebra!’ glasses. In my article here I shall be taking you through step by step in creating THE perfect Xandra look. All you’ll ever need to achieve a mirror image of our favourite Xweetok is here*. Well, we need SOMETHING to do while waiting for plot updates, don’t we?

*megalomaniacal tendencies optional

There are three key areas to cover when recreating the Xandra appearance: clothing, hair and accessories. Let us begin with the outfit!

One only has to cast a glance at Xandra to realize how trendy she is. Everyone knows this season’s look is ‘Bookworm Chic’. To follow in her footsteps I have put together a list of basic garments. First up is the skirt. The Simple Black Skirt fits the bill perfectly, although remember to ask for it in brown. Uni’s Clothing stocks this but tends to push the black version, hiding less popular colours out back or hidden on shelves (brown not popular? But it’s the colour of chocolate!!).

For top half wear, I have chosen the lovely Dark Neovian Eyrie Blouse. It’s a gorgeous deep purple colour, dark and brooding, but with just the right amount of frill detail round the edges. Lace accents around the collar and sleeves add a feminine touch and there is also a long sleeve version coming out soon.

Now we get to footwear. Xandra wears a specially made pair of library issue, non-slip boots (those bookstore floors can be dangerous), but I have managed to find a near exact replica pair. They are the fab Quest for Knowledge Boots. Although rare and hard to find nowadays, these boots have it all. Combining dark black sleekness, ‘stick to any surface’ soles and a silver finish, with buckles for the perfect fit, they live up to their name by providing you with a sturdy walking platform from which to go out and seek your wisdom!

Leading on from shoes, I’ll let you in on a secret. Although she’d rather no one know this, I have uncovered solid proof that under her tough, black boots, Xandra looks after her feet by wearing none other, than a pair of Angelpuss Socks! That’s right! She keeps her toes toasty by donning some cute, smiling Angelpuss socks. Not so mysterious now, eh?!

Two more key items complete the look. First of them is the Elephante Fortune Teller Belt. This useful essential is multipurpose - it’s got an attached pocket for your knick-knacks, has hidden loops to hang your books from and it comes in a complementing mauve colour. Plus, it's handy to stop your skirt from falling down. ;)

Lastly, we come to perhaps the most important item of clothing. Outerwear to keep you warm! For this job I have selected the Simple Fur Lined Cape. Understated yet highly practical, this gem is double lined with fake fur and trimmed in Gnorbu wool. SO warm and snug! Did I mention it comes in over 30 different colours? My favourite Xandra themed shades being ‘Crushed Grape‘, ‘Softly Ummagine’ and ‘Velveteen Blackcurrant’. Lush!

Now a few tips on creating a Xandra worthy mane. Shall we start with colour? She sports lovely greeny-blue shaded locks and it’s really not that difficult to replicate. Of course, if you are already painted speckled, Xweetok or otherwise, then that’s a huge bonus. For those that are perhaps less dark in colouring (cloud, disco, pink, etc) then don’t despair. You can still pull this look off! You need look no further than a bottle of Camouflage Wocky Hair Dye. It does exactly what it says on the tin - turns your hair/fur a funky shade of sea green. While it may not be the EXACT Xandra tint - it’s the closest thing possible!

Onto styling! The only rule you really need to follow here is, the straighter, the better. Sure wavy shapes can work but to truly copy this look, we’re talking Straight with a capital S. You can start by prepping your tresses with a bottle of Two in One Hair Care. Then allow to dry before detangling with an Enchanted Hair Brush. That was the easy part. Now proceed to straighten like mad and keep in place by smothering with Frosty Hair Gel! It was developed to withstand even the fastest Terror Mountain winds so it’ll hold this style no problem. To complete the ‘do, loosely tie off two small sections of hair either side of your head at the front and voilà! You’re good to go! If you are feeling extra girly, feel free to top it off with a Fancy Purple Hair Bow (yes, even wicked Faerie freezers love bows!).

So now that you have the clothes and hair down to a T, I have just one word for you - accessories! Yes, no matter how small, the right accessories can make or break an outfit. I mean, who teams a sparkling gold crown with a pudding bowl haircut?? *cough* King Skarl *cough* Excuse me. Anyway, there are two essentials to consider here: glasses and books. First let's explore glasses.

Whether you have a sight problem or not, a decent pair of glasses is THE accessory to round off this look. If you are near or long sighted, then that’s great; work what you already have. If you’re blessed with 20/20 vision, then it doesn’t matter; there are plenty of frames to choose from. I have handpicked three pairs that I think are up to Xandra standards. First up are the low-cost yet effective Cheap Reading Glasses. Whilst not the most durable pair, they are great at completing your Xandra look. One up from them are the Scorchio Scholar Glasses. Perfect for adding a smidge of class to your outfit. Lastly I have picked some Pteri Librarian Glasses. These are great for reading AND making you look smart!

Now to round off your whole Xandra appearance. You’ll only need to keep a couple of books upon your person. To go with the look of the scholar, of course. Recommended titles include:

  • Bound Magic Book
  • Advanced Magic
  • Trigonometry Hyperbolics
  • Word Problems
  • Square Roots-n-More
  • Advanced Thermodynamics

It doesn’t matter if you can’t even pronounce these titles, let alone read them! While being able to understand is always good, these books are mainly for show - hang a couple off your belt and get ready for the admiring stares! One tome you may want to read through thoroughly is Evil Plots For Beginners. The title is pretty much self-explanatory!


Time to get creative! This fun section teaches you how to recreate the pretty little object that started it all in the first place. To begin with, you’ll need either a Spiky Darigan Mirror or a Fancy Wooden Mirror. That’s the base of your model. Now, for the non-creative/lazy types among us, you can simply attach (glue, tape, blue-tack, etc) a pair of Dark Faerie Wings and you are ready. If you fancy being artistic, then you can cut out some blade shaped wings from a piece of card and paint them with an Oil Paints Set - ensuring you capture the right mix of purple, navy and silver. You can also add a hint of mysterious sparkle using blue glitter glue! If all these lavish mirrors and wings are out of your price range, don’t be sad. Just as good (though not quite as elaborate) is the use of a Strange Glowing Disc. Attach some painted card décor and you have your own artefact. Failing all that, simply purchase a Darigan Mirror; yes, it’s the wrong shape but it’ll do as a quick fix!

So, having followed all my star advice, your Xandra transformation should be complete! You have nailed the outfit, coiffed the hair and accessorized like a pro. Well done! All you really need to do now is learn how to make a wand out of a soup ladle, an odd crystal and some pipe cleaners and no one will be able to tell you apart!

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