White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 191,643,725 Issue: 476 | 7th day of Sleeping, Y13
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New Series

Honest Lu: Part One

"Okay, Blossoms, listen up," Lukio announced spiritedly, the shadow Xweetok banging her purple hairbrush on the wooden chest that stood in front of her bed. "I think I may have an idea for our next Blossom's Good Deed."

by puppy_girl252
College Days: A Pirate Adventure - Part One

Meadowbuck felt annoyed. That was not the first emotion he'd expected after being thrown to a watery grave. But honestly, he was annoyed.

by newenglandquizzer
The Great Race: Part One

"We could so beat you in a race!"

by solcana64
Of Aisha-Bots and Crate-Moving: Part One

"This behavior is inexcusable. You have taken an unauthorized break period. You will be reported to the grand and almighty Sloth."

by foreverh0mes
I'm Runner: Part One

"Only four pets per family."

by peachwriting
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"The Book" by xcfiver
He was paddling back to shore, his small pirate ship in ruins, and most of his fortune at the bottom of the sea. Truth be told, all was not lost. He had managed to fill his lifeboat with many dubloons. He wasn't sure quite how much he had, but it would be enough to get a new ship or maybe even start up a small business. But of course, he would have to lay low for a while....

Other Stories


The Usuki Singing Stars #3: Lola Moves In
"Here's another box," Sparkles said as she brought in a little box from outside. The pink Bruce was huffing and puffing as she spoke. "Where do you want this, Lola?"

by downrightdude


The Jinjahbread Man
"It just needs... some cinnamon!" Jade decided, forgetting her goal not to add anything extra.

by thediractor


Save the Economy!
All you need to do is destroy neopoints! And this is a list of 10 fun ways you can do it!

by the_creator12345


The Neopian Marching Band
Because Neopia deserves more band geeks.

by kuhneat


Unlucky Thirteen
Slorgarific Adventures!

Written by rockjordan_guild

by jellybeanott


Peppered Reality: Unsanitary
Pie just likes to keep his hands clean. U_U

by rivliex

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