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The King of Diamonds - A Letter: Part Two

by cookiethelion


I glanced at Louise, and her surprise was as great as mine; what could Captain Trueheart want to talk to us about that involved me and my Queen? I hastily asked Mixin whether the Captain had sent anything else.

     “No, my lord, just the request to meet you in private.”

     I barely hesitated with my answer. “Send word to Captain Trueheart and Princess Safara that I accept their request.”

     My appetite did not recover after such an extraordinary turn of events, and with a stomach that was half-full, yet felt rather bloated, I was anxiously seated in my court room. Captain Trueheart and Princess Safara arrived exactly at one, and the former was clutching the Diamond in his hands.

     You may be surprised to learn of a monarchy in Neopia Central; when war was declared, the Neopians had feared that Neopia Central would be attacked, and thus they sought for their greatest warrior to briefly hold the title of King, so that he could command an army to defend their country, if needs must be. Henry was already growing old and considering retirement when this happened, and Kiko Lake and Roo Island – ruled by Sir Ki and King Roo, respectively – decided to support Neopia Central by lending some of their troops too.

     Captain Trueheart was a pirate Grarrl who, at the time, dominated the seas of Krawk Island; no pirate dared to fight him, for he had a ferocious reputation, and many pirates had previously tried to usurp him, with the result that none of them were seen again; it seemed only natural that he would be daring the other countries to find the Everlasting Diamond before him. Princess Safara – who would later be the Queen of Diamonds – was no stranger to Meridell; she had visited five years ago with her father, when she was sixteen, and as he was already known as Neopia Central’s greatest warrior, my parents had decided to honour him by inviting him to dine with them. It was during this trip that I became good friends with Princess Safara, and even after she left, we became dedicated penpals. We knew each other well, and she has only been one of two to understand my heart, the other being Louise.

     Captain Trueheart was fast to explain the purpose of his request. It surprised me to hear how well he spoke; there was not a trace of pirate qualities in his voice, and if he had been speaking to me behind a screen, I would never have assumed that he was a pirate.

     “Your Majesty, I have been troubled ever since my acquisition of this Everlasting Diamond. I had found it buried between several ice floes not too far south of Krawk Island, and my ship had held a crew of sixty. Nobody dared to use the Diamond’s powers just yet, for we had a passenger on board–” He looked at Princess Safara briefly. “–and if anything were to happen to her, we risked being involved in war with Neopia Central.

     “A strange occurrence happened, when we had set sail fifty meters from the floes; the air was covered in a thick, impenetrable fog, and everything fell still and silent. I was clutching onto Safara tightly, afraid that something would happen to her, when a voice spoke to us. They warned us not to use the Diamond, otherwise I would never again see my loyal crew. I was also told that I had two days to hand it over; when I asked where, I was told to anchor my ship over Maraqua.

     “The fog cleared soon after this... meeting, and I was shocked to discover that my crew had gone. The entire ship was empty – and I feared that had I not been holding Safara, she would have been taken too. I returned to Krawk Island very troubled, and I could only think about what to do. I dare not go to Maraqua – what if my crew are not freed? What if I too am abducted? Whoever this person is has a great advantage, and how could I willingly hand over the Diamond? I dare not use its powers, for I can feel that I am not the right person.”

     Louise stayed quiet, deep in judgement, and I asked, “I cannot understand why you came to seek me.”

     It was Princess Safara who answered. She gave me a piercing look as she answered in a slightly more hushed voice, “Because I trust you.”

     I admit, I was thrown by that answer; I had not expected Captain Trueheart to come looking for me at the suggestion of Princess Safara. At that moment, I felt like I had gained an insight into the intricacy of their friendship; Captain Trueheart, despite his air of independency and permanently fierce countenance, actually placed his trust in a Zafara that I doubt he had known for long.

     “I... I’m glad you trust me, but what do you expect me to do?”

     “I have been thinking, I cannot just hand over the Diamond. I am thinking of planning a trap to lure this mysterious person into believing that I am going to hand it over, but then drop a stooge into Maraqua, before using the real Diamond to defeat them.”

     “I still don’t understand.”

     “We want your craftsmen to make enormous fake diamonds,” explained Princess Safara bluntly.

     Louise kept a straight face throughout, but I could not control myself. I kept displaying surprised countenances, and at the end, I cried, “Make enormous fake diamonds? I... Safara, how–”

     “When I came to Meridell five years ago, I marvelled at your craftsmanship. You produce some of the finest weapons, how can you doubt your own country? I have faith that you can produce these diamonds.”

     “Princess Safara, I understand your concern, but our country has our limits. However, I am happy to gather our finest craftsmen in an attempt to make fake diamonds for your purpose,” Louise interposed. I could see that there was an angry spark in her eye, but her face was neutral. I was puzzled by her anger, I could not, and I still do not, understand what it was about Princess Safara that made her react that way. “What do you say, Edward?”

     “Oh – yes! Of course! I will do exactly that! Captain, if you have anything–”

     “Yes, your Majesty, I do.” He was hesitating as he spoke. “I... I am going to travel to Haunted Woods, Lost Desert, Terror Mountain, and Tyrannia, to speak to the other monarchs, and to declare peace. I have a new, temporary crew with me, and I predict that we can come back within two days. I... I would be honoured if you could join me in two days, before I go to Maraqua.”

     This was perhaps the most stunning piece of news to reach my ears. “Are you going to bring the other monarchs with you?”

     “If they consent to helping me in my plan, yes.” I didn’t know how to answer him; the offer was too sudden. “I do not request to have an answer now, but when my ship returns to Meridell, I shall have to have my answer from you.”

     The visitors departed shortly afterwards, for they were rushing to reach Tyrannia, before continuing to Terror Mountain, where they planned to stay overnight if possible. I kept my word, and immediately ordered the work to be done. The first prototype of the fake diamond reached the palace within two hours, yet it was no good; it had clearly been made from metal, and lacked any qualities of a typical diamond, save for that it was appropriately shaped.

     The rest of the day proved to be fruitless; Meridell simply did not have the material required to make a realistic-looking Diamond. I was in disbelief that Princess Safara had trusted my country with such a crucial part of the plan; why did she believe that we could make realistic-looking fake diamonds? Was I overlooking something?

     I barely ate during dinner, and upon my insistence, Louise left for the bedroom while I sat in the court room, alone and awake in my own thoughts. I was troubled, under pressure from an old friend to assist them in what would become the day when Neopia almost ended. I could not let them down, yet if I could not find the right material to make realistic diamonds...

     I was suddenly alarmed when an intruder burst into my room; I could tell it was a Kacheek, but its colour was so strange, I temporarily forgot that I was going to be under an attack. Its body was coal-black and fire-orange, and red flames harmlessly licked its outline. It also struck me as peculiar that it was carrying an Oaken Kacheek Sword – a fine example of juxtaposition, if not one of the finest.

     It was then that I remembered I was under attack. I had been advised to carry my Blade of Frozen Wrath with me, and as I leapt to my feet, I remember shakily drawing my sword. I had never fought anybody except my tutor, and I had to stop my legs from weakening at the knees. This was the closest that the threat of dying had ever reached me, and during the first several blows, I was incapable of doing anything but defending.

     My initial speed was painfully slow, and time seemed to run even slower than usual. Every five seconds felt like just one, and with every blow, my confidence was also being struck. It was not until I managed to push the Kacheek’s blade off mine that I began to remotely regain some of my wearied confidence, and I began to attack as well as defend. My only hope was that my sword’s freezing power would activate, but as the fight drew on, it became evident that that was not to be the case.

     I had not been busy training recently, and already my meagre swordsmanship skills were showing. I was growing tired, and the Kacheek must have sensed that, because he was growing more aggressive with his moves, hoping that I would give way and fall victim to his blade. The doors suddenly burst open again, and I caught a glimpse of an Elegant Jewelled Robe, and several brightly glowing Motes. I was saved.

To be continued...

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» The King of Diamonds - A Letter: Part One
» The King of Diamonds - A Letter

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