Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 185,943,697 Issue: 502 | 8th day of Swimming, Y13
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Short Stories

The Weight of the Crown

"Those wounds of your heart and spirit will take time to heal, and no magic can help speed that healing along."

by mystie06
The Making of a Star: "Wizard" Windelle

A small Techo, only five or six years old, was huddled in the petpet pen, asleep. The Techo was thin and scrawny; his dirty clothing was in tatters.

by alex313
Detective Spottedleaf and the Thief

My name is Spottedleaf Hunter. I am a private investigator.

by patt788
The Life Changing Eviction

It had happened on a pretty cold winter's day, rain pounding down in thick sleets onto the roof of my neohome.

by neeraline
Amlin and Stick

"Honey, I agree that ShoopShoop does look a bit green. But Amlin, you know that a Baby Shoyru is supposed to be green, right?"

Also by np_faeries

by bittersweet52

A Strong Spirit

Delma Harrence wasn't always like this, radiant and positive. It wasn't very long ago, before the Altador Cup began, that she was a Zafara down on her luck...

by auraichadora
Refracted Hope

Oh, sweet Fyora, this wasn't a newbie at all. This was a returning owner starting anew...

by chierii
Cybunny Moon

"Mr. Moon, how are you tonight?" the ruby red Cybunny asked, looking out of the smudged glass window from her closet-sized room in the pound.

by silverwolf37
A Brother from Another Mother

"I'm not a Gelert!" Fenrris panted behind him. "I can't run that fast!"

by katiepfeil
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Keep 'em Bloated

Checking your pet into the Neolodge isn't free, like visiting the Soup Faerie, but it isn't really expensive either. If you check your pets into the Neolodge and you choose the cheapest hotel, which is the Cockroach Towers at 5 NP per night, for 28 days, you'll spend less than 3,000 NP a month to keep 20 Neopets happy and bloated. To calculate how much you would spend on the Neolodge, here's a simple formula you can use...

Other Stories


Gormand par Excellence - An Interview
Zaffiry1 and his owner, Boombaby13, have agreed to an interview to share their unique perspective on gourmet feeding and also to offer advice to those who aspire to such grand heights.

Also by boombaby13

by blackwater444


A Guide to Island Chef Academy: Being the #1 Chef
Come play Island Chef Academy to see if you can be the next greatest chef!

by faeriequeenoffire


Secrets of Shiryoku: The Gift - Part Four
When I regained my consciousness, I was in a cold, stone-lined room.

by catlit262


A Tale of Two Acaras: Part One
He had everything he could ever need in all of Faerieland, from the gourmet foods set upon his silverware to the endless toys in his gigantic bedroom. Everyone agreed he was indeed blessed by the faeries...

by secant


My Little Monster 6/6
That Yurble is everywhere!

by djudju22_8


Spotting a Mystery - Part 08
Time to meet the faerie.

by lovisa966

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