The Adventures of Lazerfluf of Antegeroth by lasergu
Once, there was a lovely kingdom by the name of Antegeroth. This kingdom was ruled over by the just and kind King Chiaton and the fair and charitable Queen Rooly. By their side sat their advisor, Sean Krawton, a mysterious person who often went on unknown errands to faraway lands. The King's Royal Bodyguards consisted of seven elite knights from across the kingdom. Recently, a new knight had joined the Royal Bodyguards, a bumbling and unlucky (but very brave) knight by the name of Lazerfluf. Sir Lazerfluf had recently found the camp of a group of bandits by chance as he was looking for his carriage to the castle. The bandits had been tormenting travelers for months, and not even the most skilled of the knights was unable to find their hidden camp. Since the eldest Royal Bodyguard had recently retired, Sir Lazerfluf was promoted to the position. One day, in the lovely kingdom of Antegeroth, dark and eerie clouds appeared in the east, consuming villages as they moved closer and closer to the castle of King Chiaton. News of the clouds soon reached the castle, and King Chiaton worriedly sent Advisor Krawton to ready their safe house at the Tower of the White Wizard, the former residence of the guardian of the kingdom. The King and Queen departed from the castle with their bodyguards only minutes after. The clouds reached the castle. Armies of ghosts and dark knights stormed the castle, overwhelming the defenders. They tore the castle apart brick by brick, until only rubble was left. Then, triumphant, they moved on to their next target, appearing only as clouds to the unsuspecting villagers. Meanwhile, the King and Queen reached the Tower of the White Wizard. They and their bodyguards entered, except for Sir Lazerfluf, who was stationed to stand guard. Inside, they found Advisor Krawton, surrounded by a battalion of dark knights. With a grim smile on his face, Krawton said, “I am sorry, Your Majesties, but my loyalties lie with the side most capable of victory.” The small group of guards were defeated in a few minutes. Sir Lazerfluf heard commotion inside and peered inside. As soon as he saw the dark knights, he fled as fast as his feet would take him, tumbling down a hill and landing in a thorn-filled bush.
He glanced up, and saw a pack of wild Bearogs nearby at a Jumbleberry bush. Lazerfluf was not worried about the Bearogs, but what they were staring at.
Balthazar stared down at Sir Lazerfluf from the ledge he stood on. He let out a petrifying howl, but was unable to charge. A ranger dressed in sandy colored clothes had leaped toward Balthazar, sending him bounding away.
“Hello there, knight! My name is Eric R. Hood, leader of the forest rangers! We help wanderers in need, whether lost or attacked.” The ranger beamed.
Out of nowhere, several other rangers dressed in similar clothes jumped from the treetops and landed next to him. Sir Lazerfluf made his way up to the ledge.
Shakily, Lazerfluf said, “I am looking for refuge; where is the nearest village or castle where I can find civilized people?”
“Well,” Eric responded, “that would be the enchanted castle of Duroth, not far from the border of Antegeroth. There is a shortcut through this forest. It is dangerous to traverse alone, though, so we will accompany you until you reach Castle Duroth.”
The group set out. A gloomy path lay ahead of them. Dark and dismal trees surrounded them. Eerie eyes glared out at them, wondering whether to hide or strike. Hoots and howls could be heard in the distance along with roars and growls. After what seemed like hours of walking along the gloomy path, they reached a hut. One of the rangers whispered into Lazerfluf’s ear, “This is the home of Ilere. Our leader has a debt to pay off with her, and he decided to visit her while he’s in the area. I heard she desires a magical artifact that he found.” Eric entered the hut, and a few moments later came out. The group continued without a word. As they went father from the heart of the forest, the noises faded, becoming more and more faint. The rangers and Sir Lazerfluf reached the edge of the forest; the castle of Duroth was in sight, sitting atop a hill. Before departing, Lazerfluf whispered to Eric, “What was the object you gave to Ilere? I do not wish to intrude upon your personal business, but I am deeply curious.” “My friend, that artifact was the Ring of Mysteries,” Eric responded, “it gives you the power to control the dreams of yourself and those around you. But the one I gave her was a fake. She knew this fact, but wanted it only because it includes directions to the real ring, only readable by a faerie.”
Safely through the forest, Sir Lazerfluf made his way to the castle. He felt an odd disturbance as he crossed the green prairie that led up to the hill. Suddenly, as he climbed the hill, he was pushed to the ground by an invisible magical barrier. Two spellcasters approached him as his vision started to blur...
Sir Lazerfluf awoke in a dungeon. It was spotless, something which you wouldn’t expect in your average dungeon. A figure sat next to him. She was dressed in golden robes, with a silver crown on her head. As soon as he got up, she spoke to him.
“My kingdom has been attacked by the army of the Dark Slayer. Our magicians managed to repel him, but we cannot withstand another attack. You are the one I seek to bring him down, and save our kingdoms and the lands bordering it,” she said to him. “I will arrange for a ship to take you to the Dark Islands, where you will find the power to defeat the Dark Slayer.”
“May I know your name before I leave to fight the evil forces that seek to destroy our lands?” Lazerfluf asked.
“I am the Princess of Duroth, Lucy. My father has been kidnapped, so I am left to rule the kingdom until he is found. I am terribly sorry about the greeting you received, but my people are hesitant to let anyone inside the castle,” she responded.
After this conversation, Lazerfluf sailed, following the map Lucy had given him. Although he got lost several times, he made it to his destination within a few days. The chain of islands appeared to be just as deadly as every other island, except for the fact that a ring of dark haze circled the island, making landing nearly impossible. Managing to land, Lazerfluf got off the boat, which sailed off as soon as he was a distance away. As he wandered around, misty images of monsters and other nightmarish creatures swirled around him. Lost and frightened, Sir Lazerfluf ran toward a nearly flat rock to sit down and regain confidence. As he came closer, he saw that the rock was actually a pedestal, which held a ring. One part of him told him to put it on, while the other told him not to. Sir Lazerfluf slipped the ring on his finger, and felt a great surge of power. He did not see the misty behemoth appear behind him, a costly mistake. It solidified into a real beast, and charged toward Lazerfluf, sending him flying. Just as it was about to charge again, a brilliant light drove the creature away. “You should not be here,” the figure that cast the light said as it approached, “that ring you have, the Ring of Mysteries, is a very powerful object. It can help one overpower his fears, but it can also cause desire for power, and has led to the demise of many great warriors.” Lazerfluf recognized him instantly from the stories about him. He was the White Wizard, guardian of Antegeroth.
“I have foreseen that you will use it in your moment of triumph. But someone has cursed the ring. As long as you wear it, spirits of monsters long gone shall attack you. Discard it once you are finished,” the wizard continued.
With no more spoken, the wizard put his hands on Lazerfluf’s shoulders, and transported him to the final battle...
Sir Lazerfluf found himself back at the Tower of the White Wizard, surrounded by ghosts and dark knights. “I wish to challenge your leader, the Dark Slayer!” he boldly announced. A knight in heavy armor stepped forth. He drew his giant sword and roared, “You wish to challenge me? You are only a puny Acara who is calls himself a knight. Very well, it will make it all the more fun to crush you!” Sir Lazerfluf drew his sword. The battle went on for hours, Lazerfluf ducking and dodging as the Dark Slayer swung his sword. Finally, Lazerfluf was disarmed by a sudden feign strike. Just as the Dark Slayer was about to strike again, a figure darted in from the sidelines and stunned his opponent. Lazerfluf could only see who it was when the figure was flung aside; Advisor Krawton. With renewed determination, Lazerfluf picked up his sword and swung at the Dark Slayer’s helmet. It was flung off, revealing who the Dark Slayer really was...
The Princess of Duroth roared in fury, “You shall not stop me; nobody can! I will not let the actions of Antegeroth go unavenged! My kingdom has suffered enough under their cruelty!”
The princess turned into a misty image and slashed at Lazerfluf. He desperately parried, but to no use. She had entered his mind. Sir Lazerfluf was in darkness, everywhere he looked, infinite darkness. A long figure stood before him, dressed in black robes, with a rusty crown on her head, wielding a dark elm staff. He had no weapon, nothing to fight with. Then he remembered the ring. It was his battlefield now. Within moments, Lazerfluf drew a sword and struck. The world around him started to crumble, revealing bursts of light. He slashed again and emerged into the real world once more. The dark army was nothing anymore; empty pieces of armor lay before him. He rushed over to Advisor Krawton. “My loyalties lie with the side most capable of victory,” Krawton muttered again and again as he faded away... ***
Sir Lazerfluf looked upon a tower that reached upward as far as the eye could see. He would have to climb it and face whatever is inside. The memory of his first quest as a Royal Bodyguard swirled around in his head like it had only happened yesterday. It gave him the hope and courage needed to finish the task at hand. Slowly, he approached the door of the tower, and entered...
The End