Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 186,839,813 Issue: 511 | 9th day of Gathering, Y13
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Short Stories

Chapter Thirteen

Her name is Xandra. My name is Xandra. The similarities stop there. So why can't people just accept that?

by kittenkutie936

It's time to go to school.

Giving one last despairing glance at herself, Jodie swings her backpack over her shoulder and leaves her room.

by maraqua_berry

The Last Dance

It was a lovely night out, bright and sparkling and young, with a full harvest moon that hung low over the empty streets. They laughed as they ran down the sidewalk...

by jokerhahaazzz
A Memory of Disaster

Aurikura closes her eyes, remembering the day clearly. She was in the Golden Dubloon...

by thelonetiel
One Neopet's Treasure

When two friends go in search of adventure, things may not always go as planned!

by chavo_guerrero
Isadora's Curse

Today, Isa was on a mission.

by dizzyblackberry
Heart of a Hero

Jessica was a huge fan of the Defenders. She had posters of every member of Neopia's defense force on her room's walls.

by wolfsaver654
Lost and Found

I drifted along. The sun was warm at my back, and down below, all the neopets scurrying along looked so tiny, so adorable.

by mckinleybooksfan
The Adventures of Lazerfluf of Antegeroth

Recently, a new knight had joined the Royal Bodyguards, a bumbling and unlucky (but very brave) knight by the name of Lazerfluf.

by lasergu
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Owning a Draik

They cost much more than the average Neopet, and owning one becomes a symbol of one's wealth or dedication to their pets. Upon their discovery, most new Neopians will exclaim: "15 MILLION Neopoints?! Really?" But their bafflement is soon replaced with the yearning for such beautiful creatures โ€“ and if there were a list, Draiks would surely earn first place...

Other Stories


Epiphanies: Connecting to Your Pet
How are you EVER going to be able to really care for your pet if you're just stuffing them in the Neolodge all month?

by 7splat52


Mini Guide to Treasure Keepers
There are essentially two things you will be doing throughout most of the game โ€“ exploring and managing your shop.

by taviela


Just a Little... Different: Part Two
I smiled to myself. It was worth a shot, and if it didn't work, well, it never hurt to have more books around the house.

by nurseryteacher28


More Powerful than Magic: Part Nine
Jazan wasn't swayed for a second by Xandra's talk of power and conquest. He'd heard words like that before โ€“ that was the way Razul had talked.

by saphira_27


Just Cake #9
Silly or smart? Hmm.

by flameshard


So Says the Slorg!
Guest artist edition!

by supercheezee

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