Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 187,055,852 Issue: 514 | 30th day of Gathering, Y13
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by ghostkomorichu

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Great stories!


Blastoids: The Game Guide
As we speak, there are comets on a destruction path with Neopia and, unless we find a way to eradicate them, the planet is doomed!

Also by fia_tje

by aucontraire__


Deckswabber's Destiny
Deckswabber had told himself that after he was fired from his beloved job, he would move inland and have nothing more to do with the sea.

by _toffey_


Prodigious LOLZ
Such an awesome color.

by crystallus


The Dream Of An Usuki Fanatic
Let's face it, Neopia; Usuki Dolls are far too awesome to remain as pixels...

by ice_shard_2000

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