A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 187,055,852 Issue: 514 | 30th day of Gathering, Y13
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Short Stories

Reviewing the Situation

Once he had loved this city – no, loved was the wrong word – once he had understood this city.

by herdygerdy
A Terrible Story, That Happened to Me

Luckily we have our friend Veels to look after us, and he's very good at Meetings and Twisting Their Legs, which I think usually means he just gets what he wanted at the start.

by wezzled
The Slorg-Eyed Blue Rain Coat

"Why do you wear that coat?"

by katiepfeil
Deckswabber's Destiny

Deckswabber had told himself that after he was fired from his beloved job, he would move inland and have nothing more to do with the sea.

by _toffey_
Hit the Showers

He had always believed in a clean victory.

by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Memory Like An Elephante

"Grenelon! Get your fresh grenelons!"

by angel_star7
Lost Years

She seemed so peaceful lying there, in her own tiny world.

by ginger23456
Greg's Intervention

"Colfer... this is an intervention," the teenage owner said, standing with her arms crossed underneath a banner that read INTERVENTION in large, red block letters.

by 2dancers2robots
Anderis's Story: Return of a Friend

Anderis felt a surge of energy. He hadn't drawn or painted anything in a long time. He had created a few drawings...

by jackjack1234
The Thief of Time, Sirocco!

As Kreludor rose over Happy Valley, there seemed to be an eerie stillness in the air.

by mecha_fang
Letters from a Thief

Would the Eyrie still remember her? Did he still have the same address? What was the Thieves' Guild like now?

by desert_gp_dragon2oo5
As Kreludite Falls

Few people knew the dark truth about Krelufun Industries.

by sylviau
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Fabulous Fall Fashions

One of our favorite things about fall is all of the awesome wearable fall/Halloween items TNT puts out for us every year! We love being able to translate our love for this season onto our Neopets by dressing them up in fabulous fall-themed outfits! Below we have put together 14 outfits using only the best of fall fashion for those out there who have a hard time coming up with outfits on their own. Even if you don't use any of these outfits yourself, they could be helpful for inspiring your own fall-themed looks...

Other Stories


A Grarrl October
Nine fun things to do with your Grarrl!

by liyuuki


The Top 5 Neopian Plot Heroes
The best of the best.

by emilyralphy


Recognition: Part One
And as master thief, as The Grundo Thief, Yanno had expected to be approached by the Thieves Guild, once the dust after the defeat of Dr. Sloth had properly settled...

by chaotizitaet


Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Morphica Begins - Part Three
"All right, Morphica, you question him," Judge Hog said.

"Me, sir?" Chloe asked.

by kristykimmy


To Be Determined - HAPPY...
...What day is it?

by beastofmanytails


NoobWorks 2
You'd think a leader would have more sense.

by noobynewt

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