A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 187,548,815 Issue: 522 | 23rd day of Storing, Y13
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Not For Breakfast

by flyghing

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10 Things to Remember When on Vacation from Neopets
It is getting close to the Holiday season! We all know what this means. No, not presents. Well, yes, presents, but it also means...

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The Mystery Capsule
The Pastel Blue Hair Bows' invasion!

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The Mysterious Case of the Snorkle-napped Snorkle
"You always get like this when you don't have a case. Nervous."

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A Renewed Hope: Part Two
Janice gave him a blank stare. Her spirit glow dimmed. "What do you mean, I'm the Protector? I've never even heard of a silly place called Calladamos."

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