Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 187,548,815 Issue: 522 | 23rd day of Storing, Y13
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Short Stories

An Ugly Tale: The Twisted Soul of Vira

"I finally have enough! I'm so happy!" exclaimed Vira, a Green Acara with beautiful long locks of golden hair. "I can buy a Faerie Paint Brush!!"

by sushicat1__20
The Mysterious Case of the Snorkle-napped Snorkle

"You always get like this when you don't have a case. Nervous."

Also by meowicry123

by creambiskit

Start of Darkness: Vira

With the dying vegetation and gloomy atmosphere, there wasn't anything to fawn over around the Woods— except Vira herself.

by kaddiez
Family Portrait

"What is a family?" was a question I would always ask myself when I think about my own family. Because you see, my family is sort of bizarre and strange.

by agentflorence
Brains vs. Beauty

"Without brains, nobody would know what beauty is!" said Ann the cloud Poogle.

"Well, without beauty, there would be no point..."

by hannahcreep

An Interview with The Space Faerie

"I need an interview. Got some questions here about Neopia's origins," I said, pulling out my small notepad...

by starling91361
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Sandwich Edition

So there's the good, the bad, and the ugly, right? Well, guess what? Neopian sandwiches are no different! Today we will be looking at thirty (yes, THIRTY!) different sandwiches, divided into three categories. The first category? The good. The second category? The bad. The third category? *drumroll* The UGLY. After reading this article, you'll know just what to order for lunch! Let's begin. First Up: The Good. You want healthy?

Other Stories


10 Top Last Minute Bargains for the Gifting Season
You've still got 10 gifts to buy! Happily, we have done our research, and we'd like to come to your aid with the 10 Best Bargains (Under 1 million Neopoints!) for your last minute shopping.

Also by lute248

by fireairshadow


Your Usul's Closet
Now I know what you're thinking. Bows? What's so special about those?

by pinkpaint


Visions III: Revealed - Part Seven
"It's hard to believe we were so wrong," Altador said, coming to sit beside him. He shook his head. "I can't believe I ever trusted..."

by yotoll


Beautiful Chaos: Part Four
The sun was setting over the lands of Neopia as the Draik and the Lupe known as Cedrik and Leo made their way through the Pass to the Citadel of the Darigans.

by tanikagillam


Not For Breakfast

Idea by kingdmge

by flyghing


Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Happenstance (part 7)
See Antwerph, See Antwerph Run, Run Antwerph Run!

by blackaavar

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