Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 187,881,946 Issue: 520 | 11th day of Storing, Y13
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How Nifty~

by kirimiso

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Shades and Hues 37
No matter their size, robot pets can be just a LITTLE bit scary...

by mstr_dark


Cloud Flute: Part Five
The further they went, the darker it got, until eventually they were swallowed up by the darkness. Lae had good eyes, but they weren't sharp enough to see through the gloom.

by aquadaika


Protectors of the Fourth Wall: Part Three
It looked okay when just glancing around, but a closer look uncovered a disconcerting featurelessness. They were in what looked to be a poorly drawn comic.

by gold_fang


Neolodge Mishaps
A note to all owners leaving pets in the Neolodge.

Idea by hyperknuckles77_tail

by stillhensoy

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