White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 187,881,946 Issue: 520 | 11th day of Storing, Y13
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Continued Series

Starblaze and Blasterfire: Part Eight

It was all too clear that the mine's tunnels had been abandoned for lifetimes – there were drippings and scuttlings in the darkness beyond the range of their iridan lamp. Yaxal asked nervously, "Just how stable is the rock?"

by saphira_27
The Trial of Her Mind: Part Eight

"Not to mention the fact that now we can't fight! We might as well just lock ourselves back in the cage!"

by sheik_30999
Cloud Flute: Part Five

The further they went, the darker it got, until eventually they were swallowed up by the darkness. Lae had good eyes, but they weren't sharp enough to see through the gloom.

by aquadaika
Visions III: Revealed - Part Five

She was messing with my mind from the start to get her revenge, he realized, glaring at the Xweetok.

by yotoll
A New Line of Work: Part Four

"Do you even know what you're doing with those?" she asked as he began to pull the various colored circuitry from the back of the panel.

"Nope," was his blunt reply...

by thatsextraheretical

No Height, No Weight, No Problem: Part Six

We got a new Neomail from Fae today and I thought my cousins would like to know what she wrote so I swam over to their Neohome.

by kittylitter251
Stormclouds Over Meridell: Part Four

Quai permitted himself a cold laugh at the thought. Still Skarl denied any involvement in that theft, claiming he recovered the orb from smugglers on his shores.

by d_morton
The Co-Worker and the Missing Sister: Part Four

Rose woke up, startled. She'd had the strangest dream. Her old co-worker and friend Alistair had asked her to help him with a case – only to throw a Slumberberry Potion in her face!

by dudeiloled
A Deal with the Daniels: Part Three

"Look at this place," Miri sighed. "It's been ravaged; it will take years to get it back to its former glory."

by a_greenparrot
Usuki Singing Stars #10: The BIG Birthday Blow-up - Part Four

"Come on, Sparkles! We still have to find the right outfits for the party."

by downrightdude
The Witch and the Mortog: Part Three

"I was always different from the other mirrors. I am special, you see."

by secant
Beautiful Chaos: Part Two

"This is Kayla's," Cedrik said suddenly, picking up his tutor's wand from the table. "I'd recognise it anywhere; she hits me over the head with it about five times a day. She never goes anywhere without it..."

by tanikagillam
Treasure Lost: Part Two

The Lab was one of Spirit's least favorite places to be. The metallic décor was daunting and there was the distinct smell of hospital, not to mention the shrieks of pets being zapped.

by vampiroteuthus
Protectors of the Fourth Wall: Part Three

It looked okay when just glancing around, but a closer look uncovered a disconcerting featurelessness. They were in what looked to be a poorly drawn comic.

by gold_fang
The Geraptiku Two: Part Two

Geraptiku sat in front of us after only a few minutes. Sivus entered through the city's gates first, and I went in second. The shadowy city seemed to eat us up.

by virtuosoe
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"What is Truly Important" by bluefeatheredwings
Mr. Benjamin did have a routine, which was to buy a scratchcard from the kiosk before making his way to the food stall to buy his meals for the day; after which, he would return back to his home and store. It was a simple routine, but it worked well for him. There was a long line leading up to the Scratchcard Kiosk, but Mr. Benjamin reached the front without much waiting. He smiled...

Other Stories


What is Truly Important
While he didn't have a precise schedule, Mr. Benjamin did have a routine, which was to buy a scratchcard from the kiosk before making his way to the food stall to buy his meals for the day...

by bluefeatheredwings


A Story of Stories
I sighed. That was typical Kuila, setting a goal she could never accomplish. "Oh, really?" I said. "On your first try?"

by dragonsdomainaa


Word Poker Trophy Tips
So, you're pretty snazzy at Word Poker at this point. You've read all the guides and tips out there and you get 1,000 NP every time. Something eludes you, though...

by turkeynamedlurkey


The Art of Magic Mushroom Growing
Find out how to grow your favorite little fungi!

by superzombie


Meanwhile, at Kiss The Mortog...
Kissy Kissy Kissy!

by qelato


Dandilion Tails in 'Meet your replacements'
I mean, new brothers!

by dandilion_crucifix

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