For an easier life Circulation: 187,548,815 Issue: 522 | 23rd day of Storing, Y13
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Dealing with Petpets

by baltoy

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Little Critters - A Dangerous Habitarium
She needs lots of soldiers.

by burning_shadows_79


An Ugly Tale: The Twisted Soul of Vira
"I finally have enough! I'm so happy!" exclaimed Vira, a Green Acara with beautiful long locks of golden hair. "I can buy a Faerie Paint Brush!!"

by sushicat1__20


Family Portrait
"What is a family?" was a question I would always ask myself when I think about my own family. Because you see, my family is sort of bizarre and strange.

by agentflorence


10 Things to Remember When on Vacation from Neopets
It is getting close to the Holiday season! We all know what this means. No, not presents. Well, yes, presents, but it also means...

by uni_32497

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