Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 188,728,398 Issue: 529 | 20th day of Sleeping, Y14
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The Strolling Wocky

by keirrakitty

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Attack of the Revenge – Slash those pirates!
Garin, a pirate at heart, the hero that helped save Maraqua, is starring in this thrilling game. He foolishly crossed sea paths with Captain Scarblade and this fearsome captain is out for revenge.

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by dawwetje


Forever Changed
They waited and waited, but no one came. Vanitessa was a bit confused. What was taking so long?

by pretty_fairy32


Fruit Machine Folly
To get a prize, or not to get a prize, that is the question...

by eevee0011


The Goofers - Baby Problem, Epilogue
Just one more thing...

by lintsuf

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