Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 188,728,398 Issue: 529 | 20th day of Sleeping, Y14
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Short Stories

The Story That Wouldn't Be

Dedicated to every uninspired person who dreams of getting into the NT, Story Contest or Poetry Contest.

by ilovemycatembers

"Hello! Would you be interested in pur-" 


by capricornhunter

Forever Changed

They waited and waited, but no one came. Vanitessa was a bit confused. What was taking so long?

by pretty_fairy32
A Purple Lesson

I dropped the Uni plushie, and my temper began to rise.

"Purple is NOT BAD! It's just a side effect of the magic I was born with!" I shouted back.

by applegrl27

For Amy

It happened one weekend I had spent at the Neolodge.

by allison_kitty11
Ammonia Method

"But Kyrugg," he whispered, "I can't solve it."

His words hit me harder than you might expect. Never in my three years of being acquainted with him have I known him to say those words.

by cactusthorn2151

The Eventide Aisha

Have you ever thought that perhaps the best thing in life is something you already have?

by omi_roxx
The Sorceress's Ending

"Why, hello, Xandra. I do believe we meet again."

Also by princesspesa98

by erroro

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"A Purple Lesson" by applegrl27
I took a deep breath, tried not to laugh, and began to walk towards his window. "...Really?" I asked, offended. "And how exactly do you know I am evil?" He swallowed hard. "Purple light. It means you are bad; it means you are a Dark Faerie..." I began to laugh at him, trying to keep in mind that he was still a child. "Look, kid, just because we are born with different energy as a different type of Faerie does not mean that all Dark Faeries are evil. And what's wrong with..."

Other Stories


Interview with Leera Heggle
This is a once in a life-time interview with one of Yooyuball's greatest players!

by no1_tails_fan


Perfecting Your Neopet
Anyone can have a nicely colored and decorated Neopet at the snap of their fingers, but it takes time and dedication to build up a Neopet in such a way as to maximize his or her potential.

by kspare2


Clues in the Hidden Tower: Sparkles's Mystery - Part Two
"Hang the streamers up there, Scary," Sparkles instructed...

by downrightdude


Order of Four: Part One
There were letters. Mysterious envelopes without a return address, the arrival of which always sent my mother into a state of fear and anxiety, though she would never tell me why.

by jokerhahaazzz


Who Said Relic Pets Were Useless?
Relic Paint Brush: Pets painted with this may be harmful to fire pets, fire related items and most of all, the Lava Ghoul.

by kiko_444


Chance of Rain - Nice Try
Some neopets just aren't cut out for the funny pages.

by mizumew

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