For an easier life Circulation: 187,903,463 Issue: 527 | 6th day of Sleeping, Y14
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Happy New Year?

by oracle419

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Great stories!


Beautiful Chaos: Part Nine
"I... remember..." he gasped, clutching his head in pain. "Leo, you have to get out of here!"

by tanikagillam


A Tale of Two Unis: Part One
As the princess of Opalia and the rightful heir to the throne, I could actually call it my palace. I just didn't know that I was the last Neopian who would ever be able to do that...

by cloudpuffpuff


Living with Blumaroos
50 and 100 NP a day adds up eventually...

by pump


Child of the Drenched: Intrigue in Faerieland - Part Four
Mara believed her uncle's innocence and she wouldn't leave until it was proven. Which meant it was up to Jacques to get to the bottom of the matter.

by kristykimmy

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