Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 187,903,463 Issue: 527 | 6th day of Sleeping, Y14
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And The Next Game Avatar Is...

A look at 15 games that should have avatars.

by rock_star_megs
Top Seven New Year’s Resolutions for 2012

A list of things that every Neopian should try, in order to get the best experience from this site.

Also written by layeredcrazy

by skyerandom301

Farewell, Year 13: Ten Things to Remember the Year By

As we conclude Year 13, let us take a look back at all the events Year 13 had to offer.

by lute248
Celebrating on Aisha Day: Famous Aishas

What better way to celebrate the day than to cuddle up with your Aisha and learn about the many famous (and infamous) Aishas that helped make Neopia what it is today?

by jadekellie
Happy Old Year!

And an even Happier New One!

by pinkpaint
Fast Cash Through Gaming - Month of Sleeping

The payouts of Neopia's games change every month... so often great games of the past month fall from their esteemed positions as top earners, and new games spring up to take their place. We wouldn't want things to get boring now, would we?

by cdrex22
Sweet Bites: Aisha Day!

The day for us to spoil and cuddle our beloved pet Aisha has finally come yet again!

by silvernightingale
12 Good Foods for Keeping Healthy After Christmas

Here are twelve nice, healthy foods for your pets to try.

by _xx_dusty_xx_
Gnorbu Shearing with Style

Get your clippers ready, everyone, as we say goodbye to the wintery wonders of the Month of Celebrating and hello to the masses of fluffy and somewhat knotted furs of our beloved Gnorbus!

by fire_mistress_101
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"Quest For a Faerie Paint Brush" by princesslucille1
Janelle came walking into the kitchen with her arms heavy-laden with bags. "Just in time, Jan," Lucille declared. "Set those over there and we'll deal with them after breakfast. Sit yourself down and rest those poor arms! Glimmer, don't forget to feed Snowdrop," Lucille said as she flipped a pancake neatly...

Other Stories


The Great Escape
The Kadoatery isn’t what you thought it’s like.

by roxy1042


Angel in the Autumn
My eyes widened in surprise. "And you thought of me?" I asked. Saire of all people should know that I wasn't good with children.

by emily5martin


Beautiful Chaos: Part Nine
"I... remember..." he gasped, clutching his head in pain. "Leo, you have to get out of here!"

by tanikagillam


Possibility: Part Two
I can't help but think of how my repatriation will go over. My sisters will probably laugh. My father will likely be furious. He's probably put so much money into alerting the public about my disappearance.

by virtuosoe


Saving Up For Packrat
Saving for Packrat isn't so easy when there's a giant squid alive in there.

by baltoy


Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Happenstance (part 12)
And A Happy New Year!

by blackaavar

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