Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 189,992,332 Issue: 565 | 5th day of Collecting, Y14
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by minerva198

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How It All Began
"Now remember," the Wocky said to his son. "We can't keep moving every time you get into a fight."

by dr_tomoe


How to Care for a Grarrl
You don't have to live in Neopia for more than a couple of days to become familiar with that huge, dinosaur-like Neopet that we all know as a Grarrl.

by kellyjax


Immortalized by an Avatar
These are the people I think most deserve the next new avatar (in no particular order).

by dottie27a


Sloppily Colored Funstuffs
Change of format! -poof-

by thesevenwonders

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