Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 189,992,332 Issue: 565 | 5th day of Collecting, Y14
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Continued Series

I Will Stand Alone: Part Seven

She sniffed. "How can it be that we did everything right, and it still went wrong?"

Jazan offered his best explanation. "Because Fate is a vindictive twit?"

by saphira_27

The Quest to Thorn Bridge Castle: Part Five

The Spooky Food cart was tucked in a dark corner of the Deserted Fairground, just behind the Bagatelle kiosk...

Also by thropp

by sandrilene

Petpet Adventures: Windrider - Part Six

They must have been close to the Maraquan Circle, because the onset of the storm was fierce and unexpected...

by rachelindea
Masquerade: Part Three

I felt King Hagan's downward gaze on us as he sat upon his throne. In a boisterous voice he said, "What words of wisdom do you have to share with me, the wisest of all?"

Also by bookworm7

by sin_hui_ryoma

Storm of Fortunes: Part Three

"Nobody's seen him. He's like a ghost."

by thorndove
Just Cookies: Part Two

"Get up! All the cookies are gone!"

by checkered_cat
Cinnamon and Vinegar: Part Two

I fastened the pin of my cape tighter than I had before. I was out all day, desperately hoping that I would spy her taking refuge within a forest nook, or gloomily wandering around the County outskirts...

by ellbot1998
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Cloud JubJubs

Cloud JubJubs are very strange and different from other cloud pets. When most pets are painted cloud, their body turns a light blue color and they gain cloud markings. When a JubJub is painted cloud, they turn completely into an adorable little cloud, with only their feet and facial features remaining. Like I said, it is strange. After a little interactive investigative work, we managed to answer five main questions...

Other Stories


Misunderstood Monster
We often forget to look at the other side of the story.

by oo_luckey_duckey_oo


The Personal Memoirs of MAGAX
I knew neither my father nor mother. Any memories I once would have possessed of them I can no longer recollect; they are eternally lost to my subconscious.

However, I did know, and was actually quite familiar with, one of Neopia's most notorious villains; the late, great, Hubrid Nox.

by rielcz


The ENVI's Guide to Better Quality Villains
The Evil Neopian Villain's Institute is now offering free evil genius lessons!

by parody_ham


Missing Hubrid Nox? Create your very own replica!
I'm sure many Neopians have been missing the sight of Hubrid Nox since his unfortunate demise, but fear not - now you can create your very own Hubrid Nox plushie to sit by your computer!

by dragonsflame_uk


Ghostly Judgement
Something has happened!

by arixtotle


So Says the Slorg!!
Makes you wonder why we bothered paying to have that wall put up.

by supercheezee

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