Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 189,992,332 Issue: 565 | 5th day of Collecting, Y14
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Missing Hubrid Nox? Create your very own replica!

by dragonsflame_uk


Pattern tested by shy_gurl1983

I'm sure many Neopians have been missing the sight of Hubrid Nox since his unfortunate demise, but fear not - now you can create your very own Hubrid Nox plushie to sit by your computer!

To make this crochet plushie, you will need:

  • a 3mm crochet hook (US size C crochet hook)
  • knowledge of how to do the DC (double crochet) stitch (US single crochet - SC)
  • DK (US light worsted) wool in the right colours (black, pink, red and pale blue)
  • a sewing needle for the finishing touches
  • toy stuffing


ch - chain
dc - Double Crochet (US Single Crochet)
dc 2 tog - DC two stitches together (decrease)
sl st - slip stitch
sk 1 - skip the next stitch

All the pieces are crocheted in a spiral (so no joining any rounds apart from the first one), unless otherwise stated. To make it a bit easier, the body base is created separately to the main body.

....but don't worry if you can't crochet - you can always bug a friend or relation to crochet it for you!

On to the pattern!


Ch 36 sl st to join to make a loop

dc in each stitch for 3 rounds (36 DC)

I used the green wool as a stitch marker to help keep track of how many rounds I'd created

Change to red (cummerbund)

dc in each stitch for 1 round (36 DC)

Change to pink (shirt colour)

dc in each stitch for 6 rounds (36 DC)

(dc 2 tog, dc, dc, dc, dc) repeat for one round (30 DC)

dc in each stitch for one round (30 DC)

Change to blue (face colour)

dc in each stitch for 6 rounds (30 DC)

(dc 2 tog, dc, dc, dc) repeat for one round (24 DC)

dc in each stitch for 3 rounds (24 DC) should look a little something like this.

dc in each stitch for 3 more rounds (24 DC)

Fasten off.


Body base

We now need to make the base of Nox's body:

With black, make a magic ring, and dc 6 into the ring.

(2 dc in each stitch) repeat for one round (12 DC)

(dc, 2dc in next stitch) repeat for one round (18 DC)

(dc, dc, 2dc in next stitch) repeat for one round (24 DC)

(dc, dc, dc, 2dc in next stitch) repeat for one round (30 DC)

(dc, dc, dc, dc, 2dc in next stitch) repeat for one round (36 DC)

Fasten off with a long tail, and sew to the base of the body.



Next are the arms, which we (obviously) need to make two of):

With blue, make a magic ring, and dc 6 into the ring.

(2 dc in each stitch) repeat for one round (12 DC)

dc in each stitch for 2 rounds (12 DC)

Change to pink

dc in each stitch for 3 rounds (12 DC)

Fasten off with a long tail, to sew to body.

Stuff the arms with toy stuffing

The arms can be sewn to the body now - attach them just below the blue line of Nox's face.



Next come the feet, which again we need to make two of:

With black, make a magic ring, and dc 6 into the ring.

(2 dc in each stitch) repeat for one round (12 DC)

dc in each stitch for 5 rounds (12 DC)

Fasten off with a long tail.

Stuff the foot with toy stuffing

Thread the tail through each of the 12 stitches, and tighten to close. Sew onto the body, making sure Nox can still stand up.



Next, is the fun part - embroidering his face. It's a lot easier to do this now, before Nox is stuffed!

Using black wool, embroider his eyebrows, moustache and mouth. Fasten off the black wool securely on the inside.

With red wool, embroider his glowing red eyes, and a line for the clasp of his cape (just in the middle of his neck, at the top of his pink shirt). Again, fasten off the wool securely on the inside.


Still with me? Good, because we haven't finished yet! Nox is still bald, so up next is his hair:

With black, make a magic ring, and dc 6 into the ring.

(2 dc in each stitch) repeat for one round (12 DC)

(dc, 2dc in next stitch) repeat for one round (18 DC)

(dc, dc, 2dc in next stitch) repeat for one round (24 DC)

turn, ch 1, dc 6 across (6 DC)

turn, ch1, sk 1, dc 4 (sk last stitch) (4 DC)

turn, ch1, sk 1, dc 2 (sk last stitch) (2 DC)

turn, ch1, dc 2 tog

Fasten off.

Stuff Nox's body, and sew the hair to the top, to close.


Now we have something that looks like Nox, but he's still missing his cape.

The cape is made in two parts, so first we need to make the red lining:

Cape - part one

With red, ch 36

turn, dc in 2nd stitch from hook & across (35 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (34 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (33 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (32 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (31 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (30 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (29 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (28 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (27 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (26 DC)

Stick with it, I know this seems boring, but it's worth it!

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (25 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (24 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (23 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (22 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (21 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (20 DC)

(turn, ch 1, dc across) repeat for four rows (20 DC)

Now comes the top part of the cape

turn, ch 1, 2dc in 1st stitch, dc across to end (21 DC)

turn, ch 1, 2dc in 1st stitch, dc across to end (22 DC)

turn, ch 1, 2dc in 1st stitch, dc across to end (23 DC)

turn, ch 1, 2dc in 1st stitch, dc across to end (24 DC)

turn, ch 1, 2dc in 1st stitch, dc across to end (25 DC)

Fasten off & weave in the wool end


Cape - part two

With black, ch 36

turn, dc in 2nd stitch from hook & across (35 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (34 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (33 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (32 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (31 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (30 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (29 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (28 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (27 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (26 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (25 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (24 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (23 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (22 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (21 DC)

turn, ch 1, sk 1, dc across (20 DC)

Now comes the fiddly bit - making the straps

turn, ch 1, dc 20, ch 10

turn, dc in 2nd chain from hook & across, ch 10 (29 DC)

turn, dc in 2nd chain from hook & across, skip last 9 stitches (29 DC)

That's the straps completed, so that just leaves the top of the cape to go!

turn, ch 1, dc across first 20 stitches (20 DC)

turn, ch 1, dc across (20 DC)

turn, ch 1, 2dc in 1st stitch, dc across to end (21 DC)

turn, ch 1, 2dc in 1st stitch, dc across to end (22 DC)

turn, ch 1, 2dc in 1st stitch, dc across to end (23 DC)

turn, ch 1, 2dc in 1st stitch, dc across to end (24 DC)

turn, ch 1, 2dc in 1st stitch, dc across to end (25 DC)

turn, ch 1

Holding both cape pieces together, we now need to join them.

DC through both pieces, in each stitch, all the way around the cape, crocheting three DCs in each corner, and crocheting behind the black straps.

sl st into first stitch, and fasten off, weaving in the end.


The Finishing Touch

Finally, we need to sew the cape straps to Nox's body, so they look like they're attached by the red clasp we stitched earlier.

And there we have it - a completed Nox plushie, complete with evil grin!

With thanks to shy_gurl1983 for testing the pattern. :)

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