Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 190,028,839 Issue: 566 | 12th day of Collecting, Y14
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by hideri

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Great stories!


The Quest to Thorn Bridge Castle: Part Six
No matter how many times she wore it, Princess Lunara was always surprised by how heavy her ancient lapis amulet was.

Also by thropp

by sandrilene


Kiko Instruments
How to not find a gift for your Kiko.

by leites


Comic Yay - Fishing
Science? Uhh, yeah, we'll go with 'science'.

by mooseydoom101


Mutants of Meridell
While the king might be fond of Oris, there were two reasons this was possibly the worst thing that could have happened. Kings, just like everyone else, change their minds.

by csi_new_york

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