Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 190,028,839 Issue: 566 | 12th day of Collecting, Y14
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The Worth of Neopets when Trading

Just an old-school Neopian lost in the ways of the new ages.

by oo_luckey_duckey_oo
An Interview with King Roo

Hello, everyone! I'm back with another new and exciting interview, this time with none other than King Roo!

by impellent
Top 10 Things You Should Know About Fyora!

In all recorded history of Neopia, Fyora has been the Queen of the Faeries, or sometimes known as the Lady of the Western Skies.

Also by gwendarwen

by rebourne_

For Those Planning to Visit Maraqua

Many don't realize that speaking underwater can pose difficulties if it isn't something you're used to.

by hermione_890_neo
Claare's List Of Underappreciated Neopian Heroes

Today I would like to draw attention to these people, with hopes that they'll soon be recognized for what they've done, and continue to do.

by dewdropzz
DIY Dimensional

Even if Dimensional paint brushes begin to appear in the world, chances are they will cost more than Adam's asparagus times two! So, what's a Neopet owner to do in the mean time?

by fantasyeyesuk
Costume Ideas for the Trick-Or-Treater!

With October upon us, all Neopets are ready for Halloween! Who doesn't like dressing up and getting free candy out of the deal, right?

by sychologist
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"Heroine" by suicune998
He is old and tired. Leaning on his sturdy wooden cane, the old Ogrin is pouring out the contents of the teapot into a large blue mug. The steaming liquid smells of spice and apples, a familiar fragrance that reminds him of his youth and parents in Meridell. He drinks his tea without sugar or milk and likes it stronger than most. He remembers when the wrinkles were not beneath his eyes and when the wobbliness wasn't present in his strong knees, and...

Other Stories


Friends of All Sizes
Scurrying out too soon for the spoils would lead to being discovered by the sharp-eyed Quiggle. One swipe of that sticky tongue, and you'd be gone before you even had time to blink.

by nebulavulpa157


The Underwater Mage
Enchanting... that was the only word for it. The young Cybunny twirled through the water, watching the vibrant seaweed rippling around her passage.

by rachelindea


Masquerade: Part Four
"Do you have any Sugar Coated Leaf?" Zaira asked the waiter as we sat down at the table. The Grarrl waiter shook his head...

Also by bookworm7

by sin_hui_ryoma


Beneath a Pumpkin Moon: Part Two
Even if he'd finished reading the sign, it's doubtful that Dust to Dustpan would have turned back. Warnings were, after all, for those poor, unfortunate souls that weren't Meepits.

by lilahne_aluoki


We heard you like pets...
so TNT gave your pet a pet so you can play with your pet while you play with your pet!

by hideri


To Work is to Live #8
Oh Em Gee I'm M.S.P~!

by shamaela

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