Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 190,062,233 Issue: 567 | 19th day of Collecting, Y14
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by rowdy420

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Smashing Your Way Through TNT Staff Smasher!
For years, this game has been the bane of many Neopians' existence. It is annoying, infuriating, and, most importantly, has an avatar!

by beautyfairy5555


The Fair Folk
Perhaps next time you should bring cold iron to negotiate...

by miranai


The Adventures of Pet Ownership: Pirate vs. Vampire
Don't eat him yet, Kikhos!! He still owes me 6 levels from Deadly Dice. o.o

by shadow_rep


Cinnamon and Vinegar: Part Four
The three of us were a family: we seldom got impatient with each other. Melded together by the occasional hardship, we had no need for family squabbles...

by ellbot1998

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