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Let's Go Bananas!

by dustinismine


Bananas. The sweet, yellow, tropical fruit of deliciousness. There are many who do like bananas, and others who don't. One neopet that you can always be sure has a taste for them, however, is a Mynci. A group of Myncies even gathered to write about it!: Bananas the Mynci Way, and Banana Wars.

This delectable fruit has many items and foods especially dedicated to it. However, its sweetness isn't the sole cause. If it wasn't for those cheeky, banana-obsessed Myncies, a lot of them wouldn't even exist today. For instance, the Pyramid Banana. Do you think that idea was randomly thought of one day? No, no, it wasn't. A desert Mynci who obviously loved bananas came up with the delightful treat. As much as he adored the fruit, he couldn't stand the fact that there was not yet a desert-themed banana food apart from the ever-sandy Sand Banana. As appetizing as the sandy-grit and banana goodness mushed together is, he yearned for something different.

Hubert, the infamous owner of the hot dog stand, also incorporated bananas into some of his hot dogs. Genius, I tell you! GENIUS! The Banana Hot Dog, the Banana Yogurt Hot Dog, simply fantastic. I hear he also had some of the input on the Banana Split Chia Pop. ...What? You think a Grarrl came up with that idea?

Because of the revolutions Myncies brought to the world of bananas, don't you believe they deserve a bit of credit? I think so. I think I'll talk a little bit about them. Yeah, I like that idea. Kind of how I like the idea of a stealthy Cybunny, but that's a conversation for another time.

Of course every Neopet has its own personality and differences. But even still, almost all Myncies share the same, or at least similar traits. If you wish to obtain a Mynci, you can do that in a few different ways. You could create one, or adopt, which some Neopians can't do because they already have four neopets. If that's the case, you could use a morphing potion, or get a lucky zap from the lab ray! Anyway, on to the Myncies:

Food - So, firstly, even though this has pretty much already been covered, Myncies love bananas. In fact, one of the favourite treats of theirs is banana jelly. Some Neopians try to make it, but no one can make it as well as whomever the Neopians in the Marketplace get it from. Some say you can get it from Jelly World, but, hah! That doesn't exist. Silly, silly...

Banana Jelly of course isn't their only favourite treat, and by a lot of them, it's not preferred over others. If you wish to give your Mynci something it will love, some options are a Banana Milkshake, Banana Slushie, the earlier mentioned Banana Split Chia Pop, Banana Roll, Banana and Chocolate Rock Stick, Banana and Chocolate Rock Slices, or a Bountiful Banana Split. A Banana Achyfi is something they'd like to, but be sure not to give your Mynci too many, or they'll be bouncing off the walls for hours! (Note: They will eat other things. I'm just stating their favourite food items.) If you're looking for something on the healthier side, Hubert's banana-themed hot dogs are a good choice. Or perhaps Organic Bananas, a Bananarific Ice Lolly, a Loaf of Banana Bread, or even a Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich! Just bring your Mynci to the shops with you if you're still not sure.

Personality - Myncies are generally mischievous, so I would advise avoiding sugar-loaded foods when feeding them. Once in a while is fine, but I would highly suggest not feeding them twenty Banana Mynci Day Cupcakes in one sitting, even though the 22nd of February is a day celebrating their very existence. Furthermore, their mischievousness comes along with the dire need to pull plenty of pranks on anything and anyone. If you're new to owning a Mynci, don't worry. You'll get used to it. Eventually. *cough*

In case you didn't know already, Myncies come in a plethora of different colours, shapes, and sizes. Almost every colour comes with a slight change in behaviour. By slight, I mean the same general behaviour is still there, but another trait is added. For example, say you have a pirate Mynci. It would possess the regular traits of a Mynci, but on top of that, may have a new-found fascination with dubloons and eye-patches, and may develop a habit of yelling "Yargh!" for no apparent reason. Not all colours will create a change, but a lot of them do.

Infancy - If you are looking to own a baby Mynci, or you already do, be sure to keep an eye on them. They'll look for anything to cause mischief. Keeping them occupied is rather easy if you know what to do, but they can still easily be distracted. Be sure not to give them any toys that are banana-related or they may choke on them. Giving them a bunch of plushies to play with is usually the best option, as it will keep them very occupied. Softer food for them to eat is also recommended, which isn't exactly a big problem considering bananas are already pretty soft.

Famous Myncies - Five of Neopia's famous Myncies are in a band called M*ynci. They can't walk down the sidewalk without being chased down by ecstatic screaming fans. Another famous Mynci is Hubert who was mentioned earlier. He's the owner of the Hot Dog stand in Neopia Central. His good nature and creativity have made him quite famous. Master Vex is in charge of keeping the dungeons and prisons owned by Lord Darigan himself safe and secure. Of course, any neopet would get bored after a while. When Vex did, he simply created the game called Cellblock. If you plan on trying it, hopefully you're not a sore loser, because he's never lost a single game. Last, but definitely not least, Sylvenri. ...Okay, he's not quite famous yet, but he will be soon enough. It is his dream, after all. Considering the determination this Mynci has, I'd say that the day he becomes famous is approaching rapidly. In addition to those Myncies, any that are in the Mynci Book of World Records.

Fighting - If your Mynci decides it wants to fight in the battledome, or you decide to throw him or her in there against her will, there are some weapons they are naturally skilful with. A few of them are the Mynci Banana Blade, Mynci Nana-Chucks, and the Mynci Slip Na-Na. After only a few seconds, any Mynci will master the art of any of those three weapons.

If you do not understand your Mynci and/or its behaviour, it is advised that you read the book called Mynci Law. It's not all political and boring. It simply explains why they act the way they do. Hopefully you now know more about Myncies!

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