The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 190,793,466 Issue: 586 | 15th day of Running, Y15
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Continued Series

Infinity II: Control - Part Ten

"That's just it," Dimitri said, speaking awfully calmly considering the situation. "You really believe those stories about The Engineer? I still think they're a little exaggerated."

by blueys45
The Mysteries of Mr. Cuddles: Part Six

Zillie thought she had dozed again – the next thing she knew, Mr. Cuddles was nudging her and there was the sound of a key rattling in the lock.

by saphira_27
Everyone Loves the Undead: Part Four

"The Last Tango used to be my tavern, back in the day. It sank into the city's foundations during a great flood a few centuries back. After that, I set it up as a haven for ghosts in the city."

by herdygerdy
We All Fall Down: Part Five

For a moment, she half-opened her mouth. She closed it, though, and looked away. "I'm just not used to you and Cerulean fighting..."

by ellbot1998
Enchanted Stories: Adventure on the High Seas - Part Five

"Land, ho!" Yanli shouted at the top of her lungs.

by kristykimmy
Life, Death, Friendship: Part Three

"I'm so glad that someone has heard of my work," it purred in a falsely prideful voice. There was a sneer on its face.

by sara_midnight_24
A Candychan Plot: Part Three

We soared back toward Mystery Island as quickly as possible. Now that we had a plan of action, both Androcles and I were excited to implement his, I must admit, brilliant idea.

by twocents
Path to Destiny: Part Two

"Decided to join me?" I heard Bob's voice as I reached the table. He didn't have any other pets and the servants ate downstairs in the basement so it was just me and my owner.

by dragonwolf8
Song of Silence: Part Two

"It's a chalk-board, see?" Damien took it from her and drew on it using the stub of white chalk tied to a string. "Once we teach you to write, you'll be able to communicate just like us."

by fields_of_gold
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Island Souvenirs

To save you some time before your departure, I have compiled a top 10 list of must-have souvenirs to take back home. Each provides that warm inner Mystery Island feeling of bliss and remembrance even when you're away. Make note that these items are in no particular order and enjoy what each of them has to offer~!

Other Stories


How the Peophin Got Its Name
A long time ago, when Neopia had just begun, there lived a species of majestic neopets called armoured Unis.

by stefanie2994


From the Side
What does a war - or any event for that matter - look like when you can't participate? When all you can do is watch?

by supercomputer276


Style Guide: St. Patrick's Day Edition
Does anyone know where my red beard is?

by ilovezacandhsm


Connect With Nature... Just Like Illusen!
If you don't usually connect with nature, you may feel a little lost about where to begin. Not to worry, here are some top tips that can help you embrace the world around you.

by fantasyeyesuk


Sketch Parade
The downside of cuteness.

by glitt_


Elderly Dailies
Sometimes it is not what you're expecting...

Idea by sky_lady

by bleeding_marker

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