Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 110,015,858 Issue: 181 | 10th day of Running, Y7
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Hold-up At The Robo-Jello-Snow Convention!: Part Three

by tambourine_chimp


Today was just not a good day for Selma the jelly Usul and TN09 the robot Grundo. They were being held-up for all their money and items, and there wasn't a thing they could do! The crooks had weapons that could stop both of them in their tracks!

     The day was extremely worse for their little baby Jubjub brother Mervin, though. The criminals hadn't thought that a different color pet that wasn't supposed to be at the Robo-Jello-Snow Convention would be there to ruin their plans, so they hadn't brought a weapon to deal with him. But he was stuck on the back of the most cowardly jelly Poogle he could've ever have hoped to meet.

     How was he going to get off and save the day? He was too small and weak to pull himself free, and Mr. Scaredy-Shaker didn't know he even had another pet clinging onto him because he was currently trying to burrow his way to safety (either that or Mystery Island). What was he to do?

     With a sigh or reluctance, Mervin finally understood. He had no choice, he had to let someone know he was here.

     "Psst!" he hissed, kicking his feet hard against the Poogle's rear, causing the pet to squeak in alarm and burrow faster. "No, help me get off! I'm stuck to you and I need to get off if you want me to save you all!"

     "Huh?" the Poogle stopped for a second, unsure of what he heard. "Is somewhere there on my back?"

     "Well done, brainiac, now…let…me…off!"

     "Oh, er, certainly! Right away," jumping up onto his back paws, the jelly Poogle began to fumble around his back. "Where are you exactly? Oh, this is like trying to scratch an itch that you can't reach…"

     "Well, if you can't reach your backside den I pity you, now will you hurry up?"

     "Ah, but of course!" soon enough, Mervin was detached and put down on the floor, where he set about trying to lick the stickiness from his fur. This, of course, didn't have the desired affect and bits of his fur came out, sticking to his tongue. "Why, but you're a baby! How'd you get in here?" For one in such a - dare I say it - sticky situation, the Poogle took no time in being all haughty and accusing.

     "I'll save dat for a rainy day," Mervin muttered, looking at the pair of crooks brandishing their weapons. Surprisingly for his young little brain, the idea came to him at an instant. "I got it!" he squeaked excitedly, turning back to the Poogle. "How good's your aim, buddy?"

     "I happen to be an expert hoopla thrower," the pet replied in a dignified manner, "second best in all of Neopia, if I may add…"

     "Well, even if you weren't its a bit late now," Mervin muttered under his breath, before piping-up again. "Gee, well dat's just great! Here's what I want you to do…see that Trumpet of Blasting the Blumaroo is speaking out of?"

     "Indeed," the Poogle sniffed indignantly, obviously unwilling to be separated from his world possessions.

     "Well, what I wants you ta do now is dis," Mervin said, handing the jelly pet a petpet handler's glove from one of the tables that had been upturned in the explosion. The Poogle just started at is mystified. "Well? What you waitin' for? Put it on or I'll get stuck again, won't I?"

     "Stuck again?" the Poogle repeated slowly, looking from the baby Jubjub to the glove and back again. A few minutes later a light seemed to come on inside his transparent head. "Oh, I see! You want me to throw…?"

     "Less talkin', more doin'," Mervin muttered as he prepared himself for the daring plan. So much could go wrong; if the Poogle couldn't throw as good as he made out, if he were to miss…if Mervin wouldn't ever get the awful sticky fur out of his mouth! The horrible possibilities were endless.

     Finally the glove was on, and they were ready to execute stage one of what Mervin had dubbed 'Operation Stop the Baddies.'

     Positioning himself comfortably in the base of the glove, Mervin braced himself as the Poogle pulled back. "Remember!" he squeaked suddenly, "Aim for the Trumpet!"

     Then he was flying, unnoticed and on-target. Best to go on silent approach, Mervin thought as he fought back the urge to let out a whoop of excitement. Luckily the Blumaroo hadn't moved the Trumpet…just a second more and…





     Suddenly, Mac the striped Blumaroo could hardly hear himself speak, let alone anyone else in the large hall. Taking his lips away from the tip of the Trumpet, Mac looked to his Jetsam boss, confused. "It's stopped working," he told Fins with a shrug.

     "You don't say?" drawled the Jetsam sarcastically, ignoring him as he bent down to relieve a rather regal-looking jelly Shoyru. "The check and see what's blocking it, you dipstick!"

     "Oh, yeah, right…" turning the Trumpet around, Mac noticed a light blue ball of fur lodged deep down the tube. "Something's blocking it alright, Fins…some kind of fur ball! Must've come from the ceiling - got loose from the explosion, know what I mean?"

     Not really, Fins managed to stop himself from retorting. "Well then, if it's just a fur ball, then it shouldn't be that hard to get out…just give it a good blow; that should send it flying again."

     "Good idea, Boss," the Blumaroo nodded dozily, putting the Trumpet back to his lips, turning to face the Jetsam especially to show how obedient he was.

     As Mac took in a deep breath, a thought that had been chewing away at the back of Fins' mind finally broke free and rushed forward. "Fur ball…? Wait, fur balls aren't heavy enough to make a 'whump' noise…Mac, wait! It' not a fur ball, it's a…"

     But his realization came too late, as the Blumaroo gave one almighty blow, and a furry blue lump shot out like a rocket, striking the unfortunate Jetsam square between the eyes, knocking him out cold…


     Okay, Mervin reasons groggily as the room spun around him, so maybe there were one or two parts of me plan that I hadn't though out properly…

     As the dizziness subsided, the baby JubJub's normal vision returned to show him that half his worries were dealt with, just as he'd hoped they would. The Jetsam, who he believed to be the brains of the outfit, who out cold, the proverbial Weewoos flying around his head.

     Now, how to deal with the other one…? Just one look at the Blumaroo's frightened face gave the baby a mischievous idea.

     "Ooooh," he said in his best ninja impression, "da Baby Ninja strikes again! Beware, evil-doer, for I knows eleventeen diffewent types of mawtial art! See how easily I dealt with your Master…?"

     Gulping, the striped Blumaroo threw his hands up hurriedly. "I-I surrender!" he squeaked, shaking at the knees before the JubJub's apparent might. "I-I'll go quietly, I swear!"

     "Aah, you choose wisely, gwasshopper…"


     As the hall was evacuated, Mac and the still-unconscious Fins were handed-over to the authorities and Mervin - hero of the hour and honorary Robo-Jello-Snow entrant - was reunited with his two older siblings, both of them being happy to see him for a change.

     "You saved the day!" squealed his sister Selma the jelly Usul affectionately.

     "Affirmative," nodded TN09, Mervin's robot Grundo brother, "You Are A Real Hero, Brother."

     "Aw, shucks," Mervin giggled as his siblings raised him above their heads as best they could for one so small. "It was nothin' weally…"

     "What has been going on?!"

     "Oh-oh," the three pets chorused in unison as they stepped outside, "Mom."

     But, fortunately, once they told her the full story (from Mervin's point-of-view most of the time) and after a number of pets came up to shake the little baby Jubjub by his feet (or at least give him a hug), their owner was more proud then angry as she held Mervin close to her.

     "Who's my little hero?" she cooed, squeezing Mervin tight in a way that TN09 and Selma knew the little guy hated. "You are! Yes you are…but as for you two!"

     Here we go, Selma groaned, time for the You Should Know Better lecture.

     "I've decided that being jelly and robot is just too dangerous!" their owner announced matter-of-factly with a tone that refused all arguments beforehand. "If you can't be a certain color without being robbed for your rarity, then it's just not safe being either. This is why I took out twelve hundred thousand from my bank account and a little trip to get you…"


     "Painted Baby?!" a very young Selma and TN09 groaned together as they stumbled out of the Rainbow Pool on their new legs. "But Mom…"

     "Nope, no buts! And definitely no complaints! Baby is just as good as jelly or robot, and it's not as dangerous. Okay, Selma?"

     "Okay," sighed the little Usul who, in fact, kind of liked the new look. Especially the giant bow she now sported…

     "Okay, TN?"

     "Er…okay?" the baby Grundo squeaked hesitantly, before jumping back in astonishment. "I did it! I can speak without saying 'Affirmative' and 'Negative' all the time! I love this!" But I could do without the great big diaper…TN thought it best to exclude that last comment.

     "Okay, Mervin?" their owner asked finally, holding the baby Jubjub out on the palm of her hand.

     Mervin was okay, alright, and why shouldn't he be? He had just gained two new playmates…

The End.

Author's Note: Well, I hope you enjoyed the Hold-up At The Robo-Jello-Snow Convention! Right now I'm thinking of planning a sequel, but we'll promises.

Feel free to Neomail me with comments!

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Other Episodes

» Hold-up At The Robo-Jello-Snow Convention!: Part One
» Hold-up At The Robo-Jello-Snow Convention!: Part Two

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