The inside scoop on Jelly W-argh! *choke* Circulation: 110,015,858 Issue: 181 | 10th day of Running, Y7
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Continued Series

Shades of Darkness: Shadow is Arising - Part Nine

Torono had enough. Sixteen years was too long to be punished for something that he couldn't help.

by jesse12_3
Savak: The Search - Part Six

"Alright," he said. "You said you know what this is all about. Explain this to me."

by zephandolf
Battle of Imagination - Part Four

No, Ms. Z, nothing like that, I just wanted to ask you if two plus two was really in fact four....

by undeadfortune
The Chronicles of Knight: The Knight Within - Part Four

He had learned how to use his sword of a horn, and when to use it. Learning all this before he even became a squire, Tamal was an intimidating knight.

by fierwym
Awakening - Part Two

Take the girl to the royal chambers and have her cleaned off! Then give her some new clothes! After that, prepare the forty course dinner!

by smurfafied1800
Zor: The First Case - Part Three

After a lot of roaming around the deserted streets in the outskirts on Neopia Central she found the house. The windows were broken in and the front lawn seemed as if it was mauled through by a rabid Gelert.

by sirussblack
Escape from Kreludor: Part Two

The concert was absolute chaos. Neopets ran everywhere, some even hurried to the stage. The band, the special Twisted Roses, were missing! These was one of the best bands and they were gone.

by cyborg8000
Shayret's Adventure: A Mystery in Meridell - Part Three

"If we don't come up with anything soon, King Skarl will have our heads."

by rc81590
Hold-up At The Robo-Jello-Snow Convention!: Part Three

With a sigh or reluctance, Mervin finally understood. He had no choice, he had to let someone know he was here.

by tambourine_chimp
A Shadow in the Light: It has Begun - Part Two

You, the Saave, have been called here to meet our current prisoner, a peasant from the nearby village. I have also gathered you to tell you of good news...

by rabbitofkittyhawk
Double Agent - Part Three

"I am not called Zephyrne!" Double Agent sternly responded, turning a skeleton key in the heavy lock. "Why must you keep calling me that? It is not my name."

by cruzerchic123
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"A Rowze By Any Other Name…" by joey200010
"If Grundioy meant 'introverted soul,' or, or 'quiet artist' or something it would be fine. But all it means is 'Yoidnurg' in my native tongue, and that doesn't mean anything at all!"...

Other Stories


The Letter to Anne
I have had lots of thinking time for the past few days. I mostly think about what I said above and you. Anne, even though it is indirectly, you have been the force that compelled me to survive through the terror and fear.

by hottamale0774


"Chill out, Lu!" Rover, the red one, called down from his bunk above. "This place isn't so bad - we've got good food, warm comfy beds, and plenty of soap!"

by buddy33774


15 Things: What Happens When You Don't Get Published
Rejection. Sadly, it happens to most of us who submit their work to the Neopian Times for submission but rest assured if this happens to you, you are definitely not alone.

by alyndasgallery


Neopia's Top Ten Richest
Do you want to know who the most wealthy, most likely healthy, and possibly stealthy neopians in Neopia are?

by blue_fiery


Sloth on the Rox
Part 7: Present Day

by plushieowner


The 'Achyfi!' Avatar
Oo! For me?

by timelessnight

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