Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 193,453,319 Issue: 691 | 24th day of Swimming, Y17
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A Stealthy Shoyru's Mission
Deep within the mountains of Shenkuu, a tiny temple rested carved into the side of one of the highest peaks. The chipped gray paint of the walls and the torn red banner that waved aimlessly gave the impression that this particular temple was most likely abandoned long ago. However, to think that this tiny building nestled deep within the mountain was devoid of any company was incorrect.

by sassyxsandra


Top 30 Summer Toys
Summer time is all about playing outdoors in the heat and sunshine, and for every summer game and activity you need the right toys. We have brought you some of the best summer toys for all the games you want to play this summer.

Also by wokitana

by blue_eyed_tiger_j


Wow! A Comic! - Healing Springs
Why does the newbie get special treatment?

by _pupcicle


Architecture of Neopia: Moltara
The architecture of Moltara is unique for three main reasons. First of all, it was borne out of pure practicality and scientific inquiry, secondly it has been shut off from the rest of Neopia for thousands of years and thus has remained unchanged, and finally it is able to withstand incredible temperature and pressure.

by arkwright

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