Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 193,882,546 Issue: 720 | 18th day of Awakening, Y18
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Duplicity: Part Eleven
Three images materialized before Lisha: a faerie with a burning heart beating beneath her chest, a Skeith with glowing bones beneath his layers of fat, and a Lupe with bloody, hollow eyes. She identified each as Ambition, Greed, and Revenge, respectively.

by likelife96


The Nightmare: Part Two
Dark clouds shrouded the forest in a dim, weakened light, the thick trees casting harsh shadows over the landscape. Arthur's mother and father were busy gathering dry wood and other supplies when they picked up a sudden voice far away in the distance.

by shadowknight_72


The Wrong Side of the Law
The future is a scary place. At least this was the conclusion Siren had come to. The Desert Hissi had been dreading this moment for a long time, and now it had come he was still dreading it.

by light_faerie382


Random Oddness
That's quite a mutation there.

by mistyqee

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