Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 193,882,546 Issue: 720 | 18th day of Awakening, Y18
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Short Stories

The Bennett Files: The Case of the Dinner Party

Strai was absolutely ecstatic when Bennett received an emergency neomail requesting his services down at the Kelp restaurant in Maraqua. It was the land of his paint job, and going there felt much like sinking into a freshly-made bubble bath and never wanting to come out. However, even that feeling didn't prepare him for the scene that lay before him: a group of diners sprawled on the floor, clutching their stomachs in pain.

by amarettoball
Just a Rumor

They'd all heard the rumors. She had heard them, too. Rumors that seemed to surround one of the many, many occupants who had taken up residence in the Haunted Woods. Granted, the stories were not as wide spread as ones centered around beings like The Brain Tree, The Esophagor and even Eliv Thade. But they still existed.

by velvetcrowe
The Wrong Side of the Law

The future is a scary place. At least this was the conclusion Siren had come to. The Desert Hissi had been dreading this moment for a long time, and now it had come he was still dreading it.

by light_faerie382
Usuki Singing Stars #30: No Place for Third

“Oh the travesty! The travesty!” Snaw wailed, flopping onto the living room sofa. “The travesty of it all and the red Elephantes!”

by downrightdude
On the Other Side of the Wall

I met Sibbie on the other side of the wall, at the spot where the sun shines down and warms the old, red bricks. “What’s your name?” she asks, ears perked up and eyes bright with interest. She looks like the kind of ‘pet that I would purposefully avoid- overly-optimistic and always ‘looking on the bright side.’

by meadows_lark
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"The Wrong Side of the Law" by light_faerie382
The future is a scary place. At least this was the conclusion Siren had come to. The Desert Hissi had been dreading this moment for a long time, and now it had come he was still dreading it. Siren was well aware of the heavy expectations placed on him. He was from a wealthy family in Neopia, a fact his owner constantly reminded him of. He and his siblings had received the best education and training Neopoints could buy. His older siblings had all gone off into Neopia and made their own way to success. Now, it was time for Siren to do the same. “Can’t I just stay with you all my life?” Siren complained. His owner, Christine, laughed. “You could, but that wouldn’t be a very exciting life, would it?” “But I really don’t know where to go.” “Well, why don’t you start with your siblings? Maybe paying them a visit would give you an idea.” “Maybe you’re right.” Siren pretended to agree. In reality, he hated the idea. His siblings all held incredibly stressful jobs, none of which sounded particularly appealing to Siren. Nevertheless, Siren found himself in the Lost Desert a few days later. He was on his way (or rather, he had been coerced to make his way) to the Royal Palace of Sakhmet, where his brother Warrior worked as a General in the Sakhmet Army. He had landed the job after a long and successful Battledome career, where General Dacon had taken a personal interest in him

Other Stories


Your Friend: The Low Paying Flash Game
A lot of people will tell you to take up fighting in the battledome or trying to win contests. Those aren’t for everyone. Training takes forever and making content for contests is really hard! Believe me, I’ve tried. Restocking and auction sniping are anxiety riddled nightmares that feel like rocket science for plenty of people, so that’s out. What else is there? Luckily for you, there is something else. Flash games.

by rocksysmom


Bon Voyage: A Valid Proposal to Boost Neo-Tourism
The Neolodge proudly advertises itself as “Neopia’s No. 1 Holiday Accommodation”, and that may undoubtedly be the case…if you happen to be in Neopia Central. With 18 other lands around Neopia (and 17 of them being fully active), it would only make sense to have some – if not all – of the other lands provide visitors and tourists with shelter, a temporary “home away from home”.

by peacelovebliss


The Nightmare: Part Two
Dark clouds shrouded the forest in a dim, weakened light, the thick trees casting harsh shadows over the landscape. Arthur's mother and father were busy gathering dry wood and other supplies when they picked up a sudden voice far away in the distance.

by shadowknight_72


Duplicity: Part Eleven
Three images materialized before Lisha: a faerie with a burning heart beating beneath her chest, a Skeith with glowing bones beneath his layers of fat, and a Lupe with bloody, hollow eyes. She identified each as Ambition, Greed, and Revenge, respectively.

by likelife96


Random Oddness
That's quite a mutation there.

by mistyqee


Kiko Not-So-Pop
Looks like Mr. Elvin learned a few tricks from the Deserted Fairground folks.

Also by chiefgrumpy

by joslucca3000

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