Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 193,882,546 Issue: 720 | 18th day of Awakening, Y18
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Beauty Contest Blues

by waterbird333

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Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Days Yet to Pass: Part Three
They all turned to look at the speaker. It was Buzz. He filled up the door frame, looking taller than Chloe remembered him being. Granted, she'd only once seen him out from behind his desk, but it was still surprising. He was wearing crimson body armor, Virtupets style. Chloe's heart leapt into her throat, the armor was very reminiscent of a different Lupe she was acquainted with stories about.

by kristykimmy


The Paint Color Dictionaries: S
As the proud owner of five Neopets painted in a color starting with ā€œSā€ (a little eccentric, but we all have our habits on Neopets), I have collected my thoughts about the paint colors starting with the letter S. The most colors start with S, fifteen, and some of the most affordable, too, with six buyable from the Shop Wizard.

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Duplicity: Part Eleven
Three images materialized before Lisha: a faerie with a burning heart beating beneath her chest, a Skeith with glowing bones beneath his layers of fat, and a Lupe with bloody, hollow eyes. She identified each as Ambition, Greed, and Revenge, respectively.

by likelife96


Nancy Casts Stupor
Insane mode is really hard

by qgqg

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