Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 195,106,233 Issue: 822 | 6th day of Eating, Y20
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Fishing Luck

by rfe260302

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Great stories!


Who's laughing now?

Also by naama_mikeas

by millyhz


Funny How Those Paint Brushes Work...
That doesn't seem right at all...

Collaboration with angel_aura_quartz.

by blade0904


*Face Palm* 6

Art by: Glitterrpop, Idea by: jen_121686

by glitterrpop


Taking a Trip
The Mountain Lodge. Again. Taliskerdragon sighed, his green tail twitching as he waited to check in. The pretty Strawberry Kacheek behind the counter was busy with a Magma Lenny fussing about the temperature of the sauna and hadn't done more than flash him an apologetic smile.

by jaydeed

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