Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 195,106,233 Issue: 822 | 6th day of Eating, Y20
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3 Dailies You Should Be Doing Regularly

Why hello there fellow Neopians! I’ve got another great article for you this week. A lot of us work different "dailies" into our Neoschedules for a wide variety of reasons.

by rowdy420
Top 10 Food Avatars for the Hungry Neopian

As we welcome in the Month of Eating, what better way to celebrate than by changing your avatar so that your neofriends and people on the neoboards will know your love for all things edible? Here we rank ten of the best avatars that will put you in the mood to eat any and all of the best food in sight!

by kingfisherblue33
Neotune Entertainment: Fall and decline of an empire

Do you guys remember the great bands Neotune Entertainment had back then?

by aventador750sv
Shop limit change and the r99 economy

Greetings and welcome to my article.. or you may call it a rant! It's mainly a casually written article from an experienced Neopets player written in a way to vent my views at the changes and to inform other unknowing people.

by m0nster_rancher


by fantasiere
Talek's Trophy Tips: Whacking Wicked Wights

Ever wondered how to get that shiny golden trophy? Or chase up that elusive avatar? With guides abound, it has never been easier to get trophies. Everyone’s writing down tips, but you still can’t wrap your head around it? Talek will take you down the path towards the gamer superstardom.

by talekdolorn
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"Taking a Trip" by jaydeed
Taking a Trip The Mountain Lodge. Again. Taliskerdragon sighed, his green tail twitching as he waited to check in. The pretty Strawberry Kacheek behind the counter was busy with a Magma Lenny fussing about the temperature of the sauna and hadn't done more than flash him an apologetic smile. Boris liked mountains, that was true, but why did his owner always pick this place for him to stay? He knew every inch of the lodge, every meal on the menu, every view from every window. Coming here wasn't fun. Coming here was boring! Decision made, he picked up his suitcase and hurried to the door. He didn’t HAVE to stay here! He was six years old and he knew his way around Neopia. He wouldn't fall for the tricksters in the Haunted Woods or let an alien Aisha persuade him to waste his nerkmids in the Vending Machine. Outside, a chilly wind blew and he huddled his plaid jacket around him, wishing his owner had given him gloves and boots. He wouldn't have needed them inside the lodge, of course. Choosing a path leading into the forest, he set off. The path led to a village, he was sure of it, and he'd find a different place to stay for the Month of Running. When his owner came back for him, he'd be waiting in the Mountain Lodge lobby and she'd be none the wiser.

Other Stories


Taking a Trip
The Mountain Lodge. Again. Taliskerdragon sighed, his green tail twitching as he waited to check in. The pretty Strawberry Kacheek behind the counter was busy with a Magma Lenny fussing about the temperature of the sauna and hadn't done more than flash him an apologetic smile.

by jaydeed


Why can't babies fly?
Why can't babies fly? A Baby Uni's story

by vic379


Reunions and Petpets: Another Pirate Adventure:Part Four
“This is awesome!” Sproingal cheered, swooping through the air with his cape flapping out behind him.

by newenglandquizzer


The Aisha Twins:Part Five
After a difficult path with multiple setbacks, like being outbid on their lab map piece and losing hundreds of thousands of neopoints through a gambling incident, Milly and Lilly, the twin Aishas, finally obtained the final portion of their Secret Laboratory Map.

by imcatcrazy11


Feeling Off
Let's swing by...

by ssjelitegirl


I'm worth way more!

In collaboration with: Table

by aeallen

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