Meow Circulation: 195,291,400 Issue: 838 | 24th day of Hiding, Y20
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Bad Joke Hissi (Part Four)

by dukula

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Keeping Cool in Neopia’s Hottest Late-Summer Spots
For fun in the sun without getting too toasty.

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Florg: the Lonely Mutant Chia
Everyone has seen that big and scary mutant chia, known as Florg, at some point. He is famous for his insatiable appetite for delicious petpets, and for occasionally bouncing grundos off the Virtupets space station's walls. But, was he always like this? Was he always as scary and mean as he is today? The answer is no.

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The many benefits of mutant petpets
Make a strong statement with a mutant petpet – perhaps your pet may *think* they look scary at first, but they are fiercely loyal and will be a trusty companion for many adventures.

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Top 5 Brightvale Attractions
The 11th day of Hiding quickly approaches, better know as the day the glorious kingdom of Brightvale was first discovered.

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