White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 195,291,400 Issue: 838 | 24th day of Hiding, Y20
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Short Stories

Florg: the Lonely Mutant Chia

Everyone has seen that big and scary mutant chia, known as Florg, at some point. He is famous for his insatiable appetite for delicious petpets, and for occasionally bouncing grundos off the Virtupets space station's walls. But, was he always like this? Was he always as scary and mean as he is today? The answer is no.

by shresthi
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"The Flood that Brought Trouble" by hannahcreep
Spike the blue Shoyru didn’t like going to Neoschool. In fact, he had tried almost every excuse in the book to get out of Neoschool but his owner, Hannah, was too smart for that. “Well, I guess if you have Ugga-Ugga, you can’t tell me whether or not you still want to be painted stealthy one day,” Hannah would say as Spike laid in bed. “Of course I want to be stealthy!” Spike would proclaim before realizing he ruined his lie. Spike wasn’t the smartest Neopet in the land but he also wasn’t the dumbest. One day, he asked his brother, Konjik the baby Kiko the following question: “How do you get out of Neoschool?” “I’m a baby that studies magic. I think that warrants me being able to get out of simple learning. Plus, I’m, like, really smart dude.”

Other Stories


A Guide to Hubrid’s Hero Heist
Hello fellow readers! The following article is both a short history lesson and a game guide, so listen carefully!

Also by myncithemonkey

by steve_km


NeoGlam - Neopian Fashion News
Enough of Silver Antique Chiq + Silver Window with Twikling Lights + Transparent Aisha!!!

Also by millyhz and itsbah.

by naama_mikeas


The Flood that Brought Trouble
Spike the blue Shoyru didn’t like going to neoschool. In fact, he had tried almost every excuse in the book to get out of neoschool but his owner, Hannah, was too smart for that.

by hannahcreep


The Curse of the Impatient Seamstress:Part Two
Jhudora hummed as she poured herself a cup of coffee. It was just after sunrise and she had a long day of handing out quests before her.

by rocksysmom


Best friends
Like two peas in a pod! Well, almost.

by valokki


Bad Joke Hissi (Part Four)
You've heard of dad jokes; well now we have Bad Hissi Jokes!

by dukula

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