For an easier life Circulation: 195,320,846 Issue: 840 | 21st day of Gathering, Y20
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Problems at the Poetry Contest

by umbrex

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Cobrall Coffee
But wait..

by akuroy_of_the_moon


The Definitive Ranking of Neopian Turkeys
There is a great time of year for eating turkey, when the weather gets cold and family comes together. Guess what? It’s almost that time of year again! Time to start saving up to buy mashed potatoes, cranberries, rolls, baked beans, pies, and of course, turkey! Mmm… turkey. Wait–you’re not doing your shopping yet? Awkward...

by cadetbush


Marrow Tax? More like Misery Tax.
but but but...

by liezelotte8


Jolla and the Magic of the Dream Fortress:Part Two
Jolla woke during the afternoon and emerged from her bedroom to see Phanta sitting in the fortress’s hall, visibly tired. Jolla herself felt exhausted, too.

by miraday

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