Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 195,320,846 Issue: 840 | 21st day of Gathering, Y20
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Your questions answered!

Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.

Quote of the Week

The land is cold and muddy. There is no breathable oxygen, there are no plants, and the skies are filled with smog (poisonous should it be inhaled). Not a sound can be heard from all over the planet expect in one place.Over a ridge and through a cave, down deep into the lowest parts of the planet is a creature...

The Definitive Ranking of Neopian Turkeys

There is a great time of year for eating turkey, when the weather gets cold and family comes together. Guess what? It’s almost that time of year again! Time to start saving up to buy mashed potatoes, cranberries, rolls, baked beans, pies, and of course, turkey! Mmm… turkey. Wait–you’re not doing your shopping yet? Awkward... Anyway, when that time comes around, as you’re dreaming about the perfectly roasted turkey that you want to eat, you head on out to the food shop and… what? There’s more than one kind of turkey? How are you ever going to decide? Never fear! I have created this guide to help you pick out the very best kind of turkey, starting with the worst and slowly moving up to the best. And if you’re planning a party and need the perfect side dishes, you’re in luck! I’ve included a few helpful suggestions with each turkey.

To Spend or Not to Spend? That is the Question.

We've all been there. Playing our favorite games every day. Faithfully collecting our interest. Frantically spinning Trudy. Checking our stock holdings. Witholding the urge to buy that new item that has caught our eye. The feeling of finally, FINALLY making enough neopoints to spend it on that thing we've always wanted; our ULTIMATE GOAL. Maybe it's a paintbrush or a rare stamp. Maybe it's purchasing that way-too-expensive item for our gallery. For many of us avatar hunters, it's the Grimoire of Affluence. 10 million neopoints, purchased from the Hidden Tower. A book that once read, will award an avatar. The feeling is sweet, but it doesn't last long. We've spent so much time saving and playing (and spinning, and investing, and selling, and battling...) If you are in the depths of despair, never fear! Here are some tips to help you consider whether to spend or not to spend:

Interview with the coolest guitarist in Neopia

he Twisted Roses play in the Tyrannian Concert hall on the first of every month and have a strong following from teenage Neopets from across Neopia. We are chatting with the lead guitarist, known by her stage name Ix, about all things goth and girl power. As I set up for the interview, Ix is getting changed for the photoshoot. She is at ease and friendly with the make-up artists although she does say that usually she just does that herself for concerts as she gets bored quickly if she is just sitting still.

Other Stories
"The First Light of Neopia" by steve_km
The land is cold and muddy. There is no breathable oxygen, there are no plants, and the skies are filled with smog (poisonous should it be inhaled). Not a sound can be heard from all over the planet expect in one place.Over a ridge and through a cave, down deep into the lowest parts of the planet is a creature. Foul in appearance and stands just over six feet tall. It’s eyes are red with hatred and his skin green and foul; it smelled of sweat. It has a strong solid body, scaly to the touch. No hair on it’s body but three large spikes protruding on its head in a row in line with its spine. Its arms and legs are strong and muscular. On top of the whole body is a black cloak. Sounds of screaming echo out through the caverns and into his underground lab. His evil glare looking at the screens that surround his lab, carefully examining the surface above. Behind him, a pile mud, placed in various assorted clumps, sitting atop of a device surrounded by a glass casing. The creature turning around quickly to the pile begins to press a number of buttons. Lasers begin shooting the mud and gas is emitted from below. Chemicals flood from above and begin splashing atop of the mud and soon, the mud begins to move.

"The Princess and the Crook" by chlo26
«What are you doing? » noted Nala in a calm and composed voice. She knew exactly what I was doing, it was just her way to remind me that I should come out of my room once in a while. Rhetorical question. I hate it. She loves it. I grumbled to let her know that I wasn’t willing to listen to her rambling. Yes she was more mature, yes she was smarter, and yes she was right. I knew all of this and honestly I didn’t care at all. Volinala is nearly 6 years older than me. We are two adopted sisters, but I have always considered her like a mother more than a sibling. She’s an Acara and she is always calm. She thinks too much and she would have read all the books in Neopia if she could afford them. She and I are like night and day; I am a Xweetok, I have a bad temper and I think books and all those stuffs are really boring… I prefer manual activities, mechanics, do-it-yourself, I am passionate about these! I don’t think we can learn everything just by reading books, I prefer learning from my mistakes. Since the beginning of that year, I’d been working on a new project that was really important to me: to create wings able to make me fly all around Neopia, and resistant enough to support the weight of any neopet, even an Elephante or a Grarrl!

"Jolla and the Magic of the Dream Fortress:Part Two" by miraday
Jolla woke during the afternoon and emerged from her bedroom to see Phanta sitting in the fortress’s hall, visibly tired. Jolla herself felt exhausted, too. As she walked toward the crucible, Phanta asked, “How was your first night of observation?” Jolla shuddered and answered, “I’m not sure of its origin, but I have identified the problem. The crucible did intake dreams at the beginning of the night, radiating the light blue colour that you said. In all my training, this seemed to be the extraction of air magic from the dreams, but—soon after, the entire atmosphere changed. The crucible flashed a crimson glow and instead of hearing the magic flow like river stream, instead I could only hear…” “Whispers?” Phanta asked. Jolla nodded. “I hear them, too. At night, that is. I suspected they co-occurred with whatever was cursing the crucible, but I didn’t have anyone up here to confirm.” “Do you reckon it’s dark magic…?” “I suspect so,” said Phanta, “but I’m not sure of its nature or where it’s coming from. If the crucible is collecting dreams to start, then Neopets below are surely dreaming… but something is intercepting these dreams and causing us to possibly collect dark magic.

Gear Up!

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The Princess and the Crook
What are you doing? 

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