Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 979 | 24th day of Running, Y25
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Six Ways to Decorate Your Home for Illusen Day

by daschuffita


And as the sun breaks, it finally arrives – Illusen Day! As ever, it’s an exciting time for the entire Neopian community, as this day is dedicated to celebrating the kindness and generosity of the beloved freckled Faerie, Illusen. In Meridell it’s a time for fun festivities like Turdle Racing, and chasing that slimy Quadruple Fudge cheese down the hill! But even if you live in the faraway city of Sakhmet or on the icy grounds of Happy Valley, the Illusen’s Glade craze can still reach you! Because after all, what better way to get into the spirit of the occasion than by decorating your Neohome in honour of the event? As a professional Neohome decorator, I can share some tips and ideas on how to curate your own home for Illusen Day and bring some of that earthy Faerie dust in!

     1. Nurture the Feeling of Nature

     As an Earth faerie and forest-dweller, Illusen is closely associated with her natural surroundings. So of course, incorporating elements from the outside into your Neohome decor is a great way to honour her. You could use potted gnome hat plants, a bouquet of colour-changing tulips, and even just a handful of Grand Oak Tree branches to bring the flora of Meridell inside. The final touches of tying a room together can include placing decorations made of wood and stone, or even a nice woven Pick-Your-Own basket, can all create a warm and earthy atmosphere. Extra points if you fill your basket up to the brim with some toasted Illusen acorns!

     2. Celebrate the Dynamic Duo

     Illusen provides us with the earth’s very own palette: the worlds of green and brown. And although these are the colours associated with Illusen, remember there’s a wide variety of tones you can implement inside your home! Remember to choose the right colours, textures, and elements to create a cohesive and beautiful composition. A light beige goes amazing with an amazon green, and a splash of bright vanilla will accentuate any of your favourite features. You could use some lime green throw pillows over a coffee-white blanket, or a pastel brown rug under your pine-coloured couch. And most importantly – never forget your windows! A nice pair of wheat curtains will amplify the soothing and natural ambience throughout your home.

     3. Focus on the Glade Craze

     Plants and colours will absolutely help in feeling like you’re part of the Meridell forest, but let’s not forget who this day is truly about. Head on to your favourite nearby market, or open that box of souvenirs your aunt brought you from Meridell Castle Night Tour, and capitalize on the wide variety of Illusen-themed items that you can use to decorate your home. You could display as many Illusen plushies as you own and showcase them where they’re sure to shine – sitting next to the television, on your couch against the pillows, or waving back at you from the shelves. Dust off your Illusen posters (make sure they haven’t been defaced, looking at you, Jhudora…) and hang them up on the wall next to your Illusen Valentine’s Day Doll. You might want to head on to your garden for some branches and leaves to create your very own Illusen Vine Rug as well!

     4. Create a Focal Point

     After all of this, if you’re still not feeling very earthy, the surest way to make a statement in your Neohome is by creating an Illusen-inspired centrepiece. You could use a large vase filled with branches, acorns and flowers. If you don’t have those on hand you could create a terrarium with those mossy rocks you never used when levelling up your fishing, the Rock Petpet you got from the Neopies, and regular old grass. If you get ahold of one, you could even make it the new home for a Ditrey! These centrepieces can be used to decorate your dining table, coffee table, or even a bookshelf, while also helping get rid of pesky Petpetpets on your Drackonack’s back.

     5. Light up the Night

     Faerie lights aren’t reserved for the Advent Calendar days alone – they’re a great way to create a magical atmosphere in your Neohome! You could drape them across your walls, wrap them around your furniture, or even create your own Window with Twinkling Lights Background Item. My personal preference has always been to hang them from shelves, so they will cast a soft light on all of your copies of Illusen’s Novel. You can also use bottled faeries as long as you remember not to shake them as you’re decorating, but a safer choice (for them) might be to just bring out the candles. It might not be a bad time to let your Glowing Symol inside the house either! Whatever you choose, be sure to create a warm and cozy ambiance with your lighting choice and invite all of your friends to meet you in the afterglow as the day reaches its close.

     6. Treat Yourself!

     The point of any festivity is to be able to enjoy it with all of your senses – taste included! Grab your favourite recipe book and have fun while giving your meals a delicious Illusen twist. Sprinkle some green faerie dust on your buttercream to create Illusen’s most well-known cream cookies, or dip your doughnuts into gooseberry and chocolate jam to give them Illusen’s signature coloured glaze but be sure to stir some lilac into the gooseberries to avoid excess tartness. Cupcakes, cakes and sweet rolls make not only for a tasty treat, but also for a beautiful decorative tray!

     Decorating your Neohome for Illusen Day is a fun and creative way to get into the spirit of the occasion. From hanging flower garlands and dolls to using the right colour scheme, there are many simple yet exciting ways to bring the essence of Illusen into any corner of Neopia. It’s important to make your space feel cosy for you – and for your guests, if you make it into a party. But above all, while you sit amongst your olive-green pillows sipping on a bowl of cold Illusen soup, remember what the day is truly about: celebrating and honouring the kindness of our most beloved Earth Faerie.

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