White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 979 | 24th day of Running, Y25
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Hi! Any chance you can split Uni's Clothing Shop into... Multiple stores? I believe there could be a cosplay store, a profession store, etc. Pretty please? Perhaps the Shopkeeper for the cosplay store could be a young Mutant Usul named Ausimas? *bribes you with a Bag of Mutant Gummies* Wink wink. ~tangamandapiano
This is a very fun idea! Maybe in the future we will look into something like this. For now we have recently started dividing wearables into other shops are Neopia. Keep an eye on the news for updates about where any new wearables are being placed. ~ Stone

Hey, TNT! Can we please get an updated, comprehensive list of rules? It seems that many of Neopia's rules have just been stated in the editorial and can't be found anywhere else, and the list of rules is outdated. For example, https://www.neopets.com/chatrules.phtml states that talking about gender identity is against the rules, but now there are items out regarding gender identity. This is confusing. There's also no mention of other rules, like not being allowed to mention offsite websites. An updated, comprehensive list of rules all on one page would be much appreciated! ~justnthyme
Hello, this is being worked out and is in process to actually do both things you mentioned. Removing the gender identity line as well as being more specific about offsite mentions. ~~Kikocat

Skarl Collectable Charm - does this item exist? If so, please can you release some! I've never seen any :( It's so cute, and squidgy, I need it. Thank you! ~edmarblecake
We’ve talked with Skarl and he said that we may be seeing more of his charms soon! ~ Stone

Hello! HAPPY SPRING~ I have two questions. As I was wondering aimlessly around the site, I ended up on an office camera link so we can watch you at work. The last date is from May 2007. Will you let us watch you in the office again any time soon? This then led me to the discovery of the youtube "Nosy Neopians". Where can I find this cook book?! I love love love this idea! What is TNT's favorite recipes? Thank you for all that you do :D ~divinely_us
Happy Spring! Unfortunately, Neopets is now a fully remote company, so we no longer have the beloved Neocam. Putting cameras in people's home would be a little... strange. We hope that you've been loving the Nosy Neopians series so far! We're very excited for the cookbook, too. The cookbook will be available on June 13th, but in the meantime, you can preorder it here ! Some of our favourite recipes from the book include the Meridellian-Style Mashed Potatoes (Ivy's favourite) and the Chocolate Doughnutfruit (Willow's favourite)! ~~ Ivy & Willow

Hello. Can you please clear up your thoughts on vpns? A lot of people use them for their own internet security but I’ve heard of people being frozen for using them. Is this true? I like to use a vpn and usually just have it left on but now I’m worried about my neopets account because I’ve spent a lot of money and been here a long time and would be devastated to lose it if you thought the vpn was used for unsavoury reasons (it is not). It’s 2023 VPNs are so common and normal practice and I don’t want to have to switch if off every time I come on neo which is a lot lol. Can you clear this up a bit so I don’t have to worry? Please remove my username thanks. ~Anonymous
Hello, No, that is not true at all, you wouldn't get frozen for using a VPN and they are actually very good to use for your own safety if you are very active on the internet. So you have nothing to worry about when using one on Neopets. ~~Kikocat

Hey TNT! I have come with a question about the Grey Faerie, Baelia. What kind of faerie was she before becoming a grey faerie? ~cara_cara__18
That's a great question! Although Baelia doesn't like to speak about her past much, anonymous sources from Faerieland have claimed that she used to be a Light Faerie before losing her wings and powers... ~~Aesop

In the past, users who have discussed their disabilities/medical conditions on the Neoboards and elsewhere have received warnings. Characters with permanent disabilites are not allowed in entries to the Neopian Times either. With the introduction of disability aids/medical related items on-site, have these policies changed? Please remove my username, thank you. ~Anonymous
Hi,Of course you can mention them (this is actually the same as it's always been) but we do ask that you stay away from giving a lot of in-depth medical details (same as with any health-related conditions). ~~Kikocat

Hi, I am loving all of the newly-released accessibility items for customization, they're so cool! Any plans to make a "service animal" colour for Petpets? I think Kads and Gruslens would look so cute with a little "service Petpet" jacket or something, and it would fit with the accessibility wearables!! ~megalophobia
This is actually an idea we have been thinking about! We will def put this higher on the list now! ~~Stone

The description of Sword of Lameness reads, 'Lame your opponents with this mighty sword!' Rather insensitive and doesn't mesh well with Neo's current agenda to increase awareness of the differently-abled. Might wanna rewrite SoL's description, TNT. ~bori_bomber
Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention so we could change the item description. With a site as old and expansive as Neopets, we do still catch outdated terminology floating around. We want to encourage users to continue to notify us of any insensitive language they may notice so that we can continue to make Neopia a welcoming place for everyone! ~~Aesop

Hey TNT! I was wondering, are hand drawn anime/cartoon style self portraits allowed on neopets in your lookup or elsewhere? I know real photos are against the rules for obvious reasons, but what about cartoon versions of ourselves? Thanks for any insight! ~xx_lil_billy_rox_xx
Hi, If the drawing could easily be identifed as you, then no it would not be allowed, this is for our members safety and not something we can allow. ~~Kikocat

Hello. Will Plumpy ever have a paintbrush color? Thank you, ~An Anonymous Neopian
Be careful what you wish for… ;) ~~Stone

Hey TNT! Thoughts on giving rare item prizes to UL/gallery spotlight winners? It makes me sad that we aren’t rewarded for the effort we put into our entries like other creative contests :(
Hi, This is being worked out right now and you should start seeing new prizes soon. ~Kikocat


Hi TNT! I was reading the editorial for issue 978, and was made aware of a lot of new disability-related wearables. I immediately hopped over to JellyNeo to check them out. I do not have a disability that requires special equipment, but I just wanted to thank you for releasing that line of wearables, and for putting so much thought into the descriptions - it's such a sweet gesture! And I especially love the Service Petpet Doglefox!! ~cadetbush

I've seen a lot of grousing on the neoboards about the release of some of the items for the new mini event, and I wanted to just put in my two cents: THANK YOU. I have always dreamed of having a faerie Grundo, for literal years, but it always felt unachievable for me, especially after the price of the paint brush skyrocketed. This event has enabled me to get the one pet I really always wanted, so thank you, thank you!! ~nearnumberone

I was I was thrilled to see a White Cane at the Pharmacy today! I love how the new Pharmacy items address the idea that less-than-well individuals should have access to certain medical accessories and items to help with recovery. Very cool! Thank you! ~peacelovebliss

The pet day clothing sets have been incredible lately! So creative and fun! ~major_flirt8888

I really enjoyed reading the article Book Reviews & Recommendations: Neopian Times Edition, by panda_baby150. I found it very informative and interesting. Well done! ~spinellihoopla

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