Your Top 10 Fall Reading Essentials by jackie247
The air feels chilly, the skies are getting gloomy, the Deserted Fairground is actually drawing a crowd, and Neopians everywhere are getting ready to celebrate Halloween. There’s no better way to feel cosy this time of year then to snuggle up with a really good book. Lucky for you, I’ve compiled a list of your fall reading essentials! Besides - summer reading lists are SO last season! So grab yourself a strong cup of Borovan and settle in with one of my top picks for the fall: 1). Spooky Food Ideas - This is the best book to use if you want to get creative with all of your favourite festive fall treats! It features the most adorable Pumpkin Chip Surprise on the cover, but it also includes the recipe so you can craft your own. Who can resist?! A few of my favourite featured recipes include the Ghost Pancakes, Bleeding Heart Jelly Sundae, and Twice-Baked Spike Potato! 2). Fall Destinations - This book showcases some of the greatest spots in Neopia where you’ll find all of the best fall photo opportunities. For more camera-shy Neopians, there is also a section on some of the famous hiking trails. If you’d rather go off the beaten path, there is a section for some of the lesser known spots (rumoured to have some of the best fall foliage and waterfalls). 3). The Art of Apple Bobbing - An awesome intro the to sport of apple bobbing - which can be quite intense if you’re familiar with Bart’s apple bobbing stand. This book will give you the best tips and tricks to secure the apple, but you may get drenched in the process. Practice makes perfect, and this book will become your best assistant. Dip, dunk, bob, bite…and repeat. 4). If You Give a Ghost a Pancake - Awww! It’s hard not to feel nostalgic when you crack this one open! An absolute favourite for younger Neopians, this book is a fall classic that everyone needs on their shelf. So what exactly happens when you give a ghost a pancake? Well if you don’t know, you’ll need to read this and find out! 5). Mystery of Halloween - Did you know this one was written by the Brain Tree? While he’s not known for being humble, most Neopians don’t know he is a distinguished author. If you want to know more about Halloween, this book is a must-read. The next time you visit the Brain Tree for a quest, make sure you tell him that you loved his book. 6). Tales of the Esophagor - He lives in the Haunted Woods and his appetite is insatiable, but he can spin a scary tale better than anyone I know. Perfect for spooky season, Tales of the Esophagor will keep you up late into the night (and probably make you want to sleep with the lights on). I would not recommend this book for the younger Neopians, because it may be a bit too scary for those with big imaginations. This book will have you checking under your bed and inside your closet for weeks to come! 7). A Formal interview with the Esophagor - Okay, so we know the Esophagor loves his food, but what other hobbies does he have?? Well, this in-depth, candid interview with him will tell all! Unlike the Brain Tree, the Esophagor doesn’t always have a way with words. Not to worry though - the interviewer is patient and polite. If I may quote the Esophagor, he said, “Iiii hhopee yyyou enjjoooyy mmy innnterviieewwww.” I think you’ll be surprised to find out he has the biggest heart - almost as big as his stomach, hehe. Just don’t stand to close to him…he doesn’t do hugs…and it’s not because he doesn’t have arms… … 8). Kacheek Horror - A book of short scary stories full of Kacheeks! You’ll see a familiar face on the cover - Albert featured in Mutant Graveyard of Doom II. The best story features my favourite - Eliv Thade! So many scary Kacheeks and so little time. These short stories are the perfect quick read when you don’t have a lot of free time. These aren’t as terrifying as Tales of the Esophagor, so Neopians of all ages can enjoy this one. 9). 365.25 Borovan Recipes - Another one of my favorite recipe books! This one is perfect for the fall because who doesn’t love a hot cup of Borovan, especially when paired with one of our fall reading essentials. If iced (or even frozen) Borovan is more your style, this recipe guide will cover that too. A different cup of Borovan for each day of the year, you won’t find better recipe ideas anywhere else. Strong…sweet…tangy…bitter…acidic…if you have a taste preference, I guarantee it will be included here. Not a fan of Borovan? If you’ve tried it all but still can’t find a cup that suits your needs, this book offers some delicious mock-Borovan delights, inspired by the real thing. Give one a try! 10). Wings of a Ghost - For all of those who are celebrating Korbat Day on October 26, or those who have a Korbat and celebrate all year round - this is an awesome book that tells you everything there is to know about Ghost Korbats! It has the cutest cover of a 3D Ghost Korbat with its wings folded over and it also glows in the dark. This book can be found in several Neopian Trick-or-Treat bags, or you can grab one for a fairly cheap price using the Shop Wizard. Even though it is an R90, many copies are available to those who are eager to learn more about these fantastic phantom Pets. I hope you enjoy my selection of the top fall reading essentials! This list should carry you all the way through the winter. Wishing you all the best this upcoming holiday season. May your Borovan be warm and your blankets always be snuggly. Please be sure to stay on the lookout for my upcoming list of spring reading essentials next year.