White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 197,635,289 Issue: 994 | 20th day of Collecting, Y25
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Ethically Sourced Spooky Treats this Halloween!

Hi! This Halloween, I think it would be a good idea to sample some treats from the Spooky Food Shop.

by _brainchild_
An All Time Guide to the Best Spooky Food

Collab with corryn10

by tamimarieb
A Psychological Analysis of Regulation Cheat Players

By a user who has played an unhinged amount of Cheat in their Neopian life.

by beagums
Fyora's Foul and Fancy Faerie Festival

This year’s Faerie Festival has “soared higher than even Fyora’s loftiest expectations”, at least according to the official propaganda released by the Hidden Tower.

by rielcz
Happiness Faerie's Halloween Hints

Smile! The Happiness Faerie is here!

by tiriosh
Your Top 10 Fall Reading Essentials

The air feels chilly, the skies are getting gloomy, the Deserted Fairground is actually drawing a crowd, and Neopians everywhere are getting ready to celebrate Halloween.

by jackie247
How to Pick Your Perfect Halloween Costume

Halloween is right around the corner, and you know what that means!

by milkshakeboys
Which Pumpkin Are You?

Which pumpkin are you? Well, it is that time of year again! A crisp cool wind rustles the trees around your neighbourhood.

by lavo0810
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An All Time Guide to the Best Spooky Food

Spooky season is upon us, and what better way to celebrate than filling our gut with the most outrageous candies and treats we can think of? Throughout Neotopia, a plethora of spooky foods will fill you not only with the Halloween spirit but also with loads of sugar. To make life easier, here is a list of some of the best spooky foods you can get your hands on for yourself or maybe trick-or-treating. Some of these foods might actually scare you; they're pretty creepy-looking, so pay attention when shopping. Almost Gummy Rat What better way to start than a fan favourite, the Almost Gummy Rat. This delectable, chewy creature comes in lime, grape, and strawberry flavours, so everyone can easily take a four-legged treat. Apple-Free Apple Cobbler Spooky season calls for cobblers, and nothing beats an apple-free apple cobbler. What's the filling you ask? That's the spooky surprise. Baked Intesteen Is it real intestines or is it fake? Only you can find out by taking a heaping bite and chowing down. This ghastly-looking snack might turn your friends a little green, but you can pick one up at Spooky Food. Bloody Ghost Toast It's probably not real blood. Brain Candy Mix Leave this out in a bowl and surprise everyone with the fun little treats they pull from this tasty mix. Candy Corn Stuffed Pumpkin You can't have a spooky season without candy corn and pumpkins, so why not stuff them together? This adorable pumpkin is filled with everyone's least favourite candy; it's the thought that counts, right? If you need an even more spooky look for the Cannibalistic Pumpkin or the Carnivorous Carved Pumpkin, they will turn heads.

Other Stories


The Enchanted Amulet
Once upon a spooky Neopets Halloween, there lived two very peculiar Petpets.

by chibblers


Beneath Bomberry Bridge
Thursday nights are Gahwaine’s turn to go foraging. Everyone waits impatiently for his return; the Mutant Skeith knows the best places to scrounge up mostly unblemished omelettes and only half- stepped-on jellies.

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The Box from 10,000 Years Ago
"The two Neopets, Teca the Fire Wocky and her mount, Vyim the White Uni, find themselves walking on a mysterious and dark land, having no idea where they might be..."

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The Price of Ambition
"A knock at the door stirred Anerada from her sleep..."

by golden1188


Somebody's Watching Me
"Oh, wow! A Meowclops!"

by spinellihoopla


Halloween night !
"Let's go! It's the last house, guys!" Collab with lorrai07

by shayn_

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