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Double Agent - Part Three

by cruzerchic123


Chantel pushed open the heavy Citadel doors just in the wrong time to find Lord Kass and Morguss glaring angrily at her, their arms folded.

     "You mindless daydreaming Aisha!" Morguss roared, pointing her hoof at her daughter, and pain struck Chantel's brain. Her knees buckled as she reached the floor.

     Mother continued tormenting daughter as the Eyrie Lord turned his attention to the Zafara Double Agent. "Double Agent, take her to the dungeon!" Lord Kass ordered. Double Agent did not hesitate as she seized the Court Dancer's arm again.

     Double Agent stared at Chantel's face, which pleaded mercy. "I'm sorry," the Zafara droned simply, and once more dragged a raving Chantel to the Citadel dungeons. In one cell the crafty Mynci Master Vex and Lord Darigan's loyal squire, Galgarrath the Grarrl Warrior, played at a game of traditional Cellblock. The squire groaned as he lost once again, then he spotted Chantel. "Look, my friend," he said, and nodded to the opening.

     The Zafara threw Chantel into the dungeon and closed the cell door. "You traitor!" Chantel hissed angrily at Double Agent as she threw herself at the bars. Her eyes were enough to burn a rock to ashes. "Zephyrne, you monstrous, stupid little..."

     "I am not called Zephyrne!" Double Agent sternly responded, turning a skeleton key in the heavy lock. "Why must you keep calling me that? It is not my name."

     "Zephyrne?" Master Vex echoed, and moved another pawn. "Oh, no, this is NOT Zephyrne, dear Chantel. Zephyrne was a free spirit, her mother a Meridell Mage, think her name was Zora, and her father a Darigan Fighter. This Zafara has blank emotions and is harder to read than a dimwitted Droolik."

     Double Agent refused to believe this information. That painting of so-called Zora the Zafara Wizardess was NOT her mother, and she, Zafara Double Agent, was NOT called Zephyrne. "Let me be," she hissed, locking the cell.

     And as she turned to see below the Citadel she saw all of Meridell's troops flying from behind. She also spotted Jeran and many other brave warriors on Uniback. "I must tell Lord Kass," she told herself, and ignored the angry curses and rants emerging from the main dungeon cell as she quickly hurried on to the top tower.

     * * * * * * * *

     Before opening the door Double Agent caught fragments of the conversation like "NO TROOPS?!" and "Only a skeleton force, but I assure you..." "If this doesn't work I'll throw you off the highest tower in the Citadel, you..." "No buts, my Lord."

     She knocked. "WHAT?!" Lord Kass' voice roared. He opened the door and quickly changed his expression. "Oh, it's you."

     "My Lord, I'm sure you and Morguss already noticed the troops, but there are huge Turtums!"

     "WHAT?!?!" Lord Kass screeched again. He began screaming dark words as he paced back and forth, watching the gigantic Petpets coming in. Double Agent closed the door behind her, and paused a while to eavesdrop and peek in a hole.

     "So, what do we do then, O Superb Smart Spellcaster and pathetic melee mage?" Kass drawled, his voice dripping heavy sarcasm.

     "I'm thinking, I'm thinking," Morguss retorted sharply, glaring back at her lord as she flipped through her spell book.

     * * * * * * * *

     Double Agent stared down at the war. Warriors, archers and soldiers from the best of King Skarl's assembled army swapped swords, arrows and spears with Lord Kass' warriors. Not all were on Uniback. Most archers and spearers were on top of Turtums that were so gigantic they were used as war tanks to topple over Kass' fighters. "Ready...Aim....Fire!" a soldier from one of the war tanks ordered. Arrows and spears hailed down unto unfortunate warriors, who were either destroyed instantly or wounded badly.

     "Jeran! Look at the sky!" a Blue Wocky crossbow archer, Danner, yelled. Double Agent looked up to notice a hailstorm of different Nova raining from the sky. Morguss held a Rod of Nova and was shooting it at the war tanks and the Meridell forces. Kass was in hysterics next to his Spellcaster as he screamed "Die! DIE! DIIIIIIIIEEEEE!!!!" It blasted a good and steady number of the Meridellians, who quickly fell in battle.

     "An army of great swordsmen and heroes is good enough," Double Agent mused as she stared down, watching some other experienced Magi tackle with fire and ice, "but you will need a touch of magic to counter anything in your path."

     "And that's just what we'll do," a voice behind her retorted. Double Agent turned to see Chantel, Galgarrath and Master Vex, armed and ready. Chantel held a magical blue crossbow. They say she is an even more experienced crossbow archer than Danner, as she knew how to use magic with almost anything.

     Double Agent glared at Chantel. "If you must," she said, before grabbing Chantel into a headlock. Then she saw the object on Chantel's head, sparkling beautifully.

     Greedily the Zafara snatched the Court Dancer's Circlet into her hands. "It's mine, all mine..." she hissed, her eyes in a furious rapture.

     Galgarrath stepped forward, his sword ready, but Master Vex stopped him. "Calm down, my friend," he said. "Look!"

     Suddenly Double Agent lost grip of the circlet, which surprisingly floated in mid-air, spinning. "Wh, wha?" was all the Zafara Double Agent could stammer before she saw...that Zafara again!

     The Zafara floated in the middle of the floating Circlet, once again smiling at Double Agent. Master Vex and Galgarrath stared in awe at the miracle, and Chantel just chuckled.

     "Surprised, Zephyrne?" she said. "That's you. Now let the good magic of the Orb seep into your mind!" And she began to chant.

     All at once a brilliant white light surrounded Double Agent, turning into heavy mist. "Come see what's really happened to you, Zephyrne," the mysterious identical Zafara whispered as she slowly faded away. "Come see what's really happened..."

          * * * * * * * *

     Double Agent slowly blinked open her eyes and stared at the world around her. It was still enveloped in the thick mist, but slowly a picture was forming in her mind...

          * * * * * * * *

     A young eleven-year-old faded blue Zafara rushed to Lord Darigan. "Good morning, Lord Darigan!" she giggled, but when she saw the look of sadness in her Lord's eyes she ceased the soft laughter. "You're thinking about what Meridell did to us, aren't you?" she said.

     Lord Darigan grumbled. "They took...our treasure..." he seethed. "It us. We were the rightful owners..." He turned to the child. "Forgive me, Zephyrne, if this concerns you...about your mother and all."

     Zephyrne's mother, Zora, lived as a Meridellian Spellcaster Mage. Her father, a front Darigan Swordsman, Darrell, was busy fighting in the current war. "No, please don't worry," she soothingly told the angry Lord. "I'm sure...they'll be fine."

     Suddenly she spotted someone. It looked like a small little yellow Aisha, perhaps a seven-year-old. "Beg your pardon, my Lord," Zephyrne whispered, tapping Lord Darigan's shoulder, "but who in great Neopia is that?"

     Lord Darigan turned and let out a furious roar. "Get her!" he bellowed, pointing at the Aisha. The Aisha, looking up, grabbed her Wand of Ultra Nova and began shooting beams of power at his troops.

     Suddenly General Kass came running, a floating sphere of glowing gold in his hands. "My Lord, we have it!" he laughed.

     "Excellent, General Kass!" Lord Darigan cried joyfully, and snatched the Orb. Aiming it at the Aisha, a powerful beam of light knocked her out. "That should handle those Meridellians," he grinned as Sir Jeran scooped up the fallen Aisha. "Anyone of ours who was fallen, General?"

     "Er, yes," General Kass responded, shifting his eyes to Zephyrne. "One of our front soldiers, Darrell, I think, confronted this...Zafara wizardess. They...were locked into this strange battle, and, er...they both fell at the same time after switching some worthy yet weak attacks. And our best spearer, think it was Jared, was, uh, caught in the blue fire of the mage."

     "Our best troops?" Lord Darigan seethed. General Kass nodded as the bat-like Lord slapped his forehead in dismay.

     Zephyrne was horrified. Tears stung her eyes. "You, you mean to tell me..." she whispered, her voice hoarse. "My father...and my mother..."

     "Zephyrne, wait!" Lord Darigan called, but Zephyrne paid no heed as she disappeared into the Citadel, the tears flowing.

          * * * * * * * *

     Zephyrne sobbed and grieved in her room. Weeks had passed with ruthless fighting, but it was no use wishing for a miracle. Zora and Darrell were gone forever. "Even though they were different," she sniffed, "they were never meant to be killed by Meridell."

     Just then she saw Lord Darigan through a window. To her horror, Lord Darigan was busy using the Orb to destroy Meridell. He burst in hysterics as the Meridellians cowered in fear, many things being destroyed without pity or mercy.

     "Lord Darigan! Lord Darigan!" she tried shouting, but suddenly she glimpsed the Orb. An image of a teenage Zafara passed in her mind; its eyes blank. The Zafara wore dull clothing and had a very uncanny resemblance to her. Then there was General Kass, who looked more like a Lord. "Lord Kass?" she gasped. "That's ridiculous!"

     She thought about that Zafara that looked so much like her. "Swift on her feet, loyal to Lord Kass, eyes blank as dark..." she chanted softly, and gasped as the door slammed open. Surprised, Zephyrne turned.

     There was General Kass. And he had an evil smirk on his face.

     "Well, finish the phrase," he sneered, hiding something from his back.

     An image of Meridell filled her mind. The Zafara was working for Meridell AND Kass! "That's not me!" she shrieked. Then she saw her mother and father, locked in the battle, but she saw a figure sweep behind. Zora turned and screamed in pain. Zephyrne saw the figure run at her father, and the Aisha Knight, who seemed to be doing well until the figure threw his sword, which pierced the Aisha. She saw the Darigan Eyrie laugh maniacally.

     Her eyes burned with anger and vengeance. "The Orb is no seer. I'm not gonna be that Zafara Double Agent. It knew one thing." She glared at Kass. "DIE, YOU SCUM!!!" she roared, and grabbing a spear she pounced high, but before she could attack the general revealed the Slumberberry Potion he had hidden behind his back and uncorked the bottle. The smell wafted into Zephyrne's nose. She began to feel faint.

     Kass, who was still not satisfied, grabbed Zephyrne's arm and thrust the bottle opening into her mouth. Zephyrne's eyelids drooped and she slumped even lower.

     "Oh, yes, you will be. Double Agent she is." Kass cackled as Zephyrne passed out, blackness engulfing her.

          * * * * * * * *

     Double Agent was no longer blank. Her eyes filled with light, and she gasped. She looked up.

     In the black darkness around her, Zephyrne knew what must be done. She recited the incantation, the one she had created so long ago, the one that Kass never finished.

     She would finish it.

     "Swift on her feet,

     Loyal to Lord Kass,

     Eyes blank as dark,

     Double Agent she is.

     The Truth now revealed,

     she opened her eyes.

     Kass the imposter,

     plot his demise..."


     The chant ended, and the darkness shattered like a mirror.

     * * * * * * * *

     She groaned and groggily blinked open her eyes, staggering, and watched as Chantel shot with her magical crossbow, Galgarrath swinging his sword and slashing with all his might, and Vex twirling his fighting staff, and jabbed out at an Eyrie, who fell from the tower. Chantel turned and smiled at the Zafara.

     She took the hint. "Thank you," Zephyrne said softly, deep compassion in her voice, her eyes brimming with tears of joy. "Thank you all."

          * * * * * * * *

     Lord Kass turned as Double Agent walked through the door. His head ached furiously, and he was in a rotten mood. "Double Agent, what is it now?" he groaned.

     She kept her head low. "My Lord, they are losing strength."

     Lord Kass looked down at the war. "I THINK I KNOW THAT!" he growled. "What kind of fool do you take me to be, Double Agent?!"

     Just then Kass heard Double Agent chuckling. The chuckles rose to laughs. "I think you're a pathetic coward," she giggled childishly, and lifted her head, smiling. Lord Kass' jaw nearly hit the ground.

     Her grin turned to a scowl. "You are the strangest person I have met, a brave one AND a coward, BAR NONE. Now..." She flung back her hand. A ball of blue flame bounced playfully on the palm. "For my mother, my father, and the sake of Darigan!" she screamed, and hurled it at Kass.

     It struck hard. Lord Kass staggered, then growled and stretched his arm behind his back, his hand gripped tightly on his swordhilt, but before he could sheath it, Double Agent whirled, jumped and expertly kicked Kass square in the chin. He lost balance and fell down to the battlefield. The Eyrie moaned and sat up, rubbing his arm.

     "For my father!" a voice cried behind him. He turned and nearly fainted. There stood the daughter of Jared, the Aisha Knight's magical halberd in hand. She charged.

          * * * * * * * *

     Zephyrne knew it was a long way down from the Citadel if she jumped, so she quickly headed to one of the lower towers and leapt out the window. She landed gracefully on the ground and saw Chantel and Lord Darigan discussing something. Danner was being hauled by a Skeith soldier, when suddenly Kass threw Jeran off the Citadel. He laughed maniacally.

     Danner's eyes widened. "No!" he whispered hoarsely, and he kicked the Skeith who held him in the stomach. He took his sword and flung it at Kass' hand.

     The sword only wounded him, making Kass drop his sword. Unexpectedly the Skeith cuffed Danner over the head with his swordhilt. Danner groaned and collapsed. Chantel tried to get to him but was blocked off by two Eyries. "Throw him over the side. He can join his commander," Lord Kass chuckled, and turned.

     The forsaken face of Lord Darigan hissed angrily in front of his eyes.

          * * * * * * * *

     Lord Darigan had won the battle. The Three had taken the life of Kass. The Redeemed Lord had taken what remained of Kass (a pile of ashes), and placed it in a jar. It was still held in Lord Darigan's chambers, where he usually made plans. Nobody really knew what he was up to, not even Zephyrne, who still used her tactics as a Zafara Double Agent.

     Chantel was promoted to a Lady, much like another smaller version of a Lord. Lady Chantel was ecstatic about this, along with Morguss, who had been cured by the magic of Jared, whose soul was somehow embedded in the halberd. Jared's magical halberd, which held the spell of thunder, hangs in the Citadel's Great Hall. Lord Darigan says that Zephyrne's parents and Chantel's father were buried at the back of the Citadel, which was the graveyard.

     Morguss and Chantel stared at Jared's stone. "He was very much like you," Morguss murmured, "a brave and kind soul."

     Chantel smiled and hugged her mother before walking up to Zephyrne, who stared down at the two tombstones. Beautiful flowers or small trinkets were laid on the grave from Zephyrne. Slowly Zephyrne crouched low and brushed Darrell's tombstone lightly. A sword with a sapphire hilt showed. Zephyrne walked over to her mother's grave. She stared down. "You miss her, don't you?" Chantel questioned softly.

     Zephyrne nodded. "I never really knew her as much as my father," she mused sadly. "She, she had to leave when the curse spread. And then she came back, only..." A tear spilled down her eye as she sobbed.

     It landed on the patch of dirt. Something blue sparkled. She turned around. Chantel had gone off to comfort Morguss again. Zephyrne stared down again. She brushed off the dirt where the tear had dropped.

     A small charm lay in the midst of soil. It was in the shape of a wing made from layers of real White Weewoo feathers, which there was a hole cut big enough to fit a thin strip of black fabric. In the middle it was adorned with a round sapphire with white lining. An Angel Wing. A old Meridell charm, hardly to be found around Meridell anymore. Zephyrne picked it up and slipped the Angel Wing on her neck. The sapphire glowed dimly.

     One day she would discover the Angel Wing's gifts it held, the one her mother Zora had used to own. She would live a normal life, no longer lost in the past. She had succeeded in being Double Agent, so she could succeed in life.

     And this time, Zephyrne thought, thinking of Chantel, Lord Darigan, Zora, Darrell, Jared, Morguss, Master Vex and Galgarrath, and smiled. I'm not alone.

The End

Author's Note: Yes, a story on the mysterious Zafara Double Agent this is! W33-wh00t! ;P This is not a sequel OR a prequel, more like a different surrounding of view. The story that ties next to this would be "Telltale the Darigan Dancer", a story that reflects from the Court Dancer's surroundings. Thanks for reading, if you have any comments, questions, other stuff, drop me a neomail. See ya!

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» Double Agent: Part One
» Double Agent: Part Two

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