White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 110,063,363 Issue: 180 | 4th day of Running, Y7
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Petpet Drolleries

by linnipooh

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The Tale of Tadric's Time: Part Three
He had his orders and was eager to be about the business of what would no doubt be the most glorious moment of his career, but his squire was still absent. No matter - Am'ae was out scouting on Tadric's command, and would return shortly.

by sharakh


That One Unlucky Night
"What is that there, son? On your arm, a scratch I presume? And why do you need my help?" I questioned. He was nervous now. He settled down, but was nervous.

by fireandwater2121


Complete Randomness
That'll teach me to leave markers lying around...

by lilkittie080


Frankie Sloth, Medical Student
Have you ever cared to take a glimpse into the life of Frank Sloth... before the whole evil thing? Well, long story short, here’re Sloth’s journals...

by simsman24000

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