Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 110,063,363 Issue: 180 | 4th day of Running, Y7
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New Series

Awakening: Part One

"Them leaves aren't good enough te return," he whispered in her ear, so as not to attract attention. "Ye're gonna have te pay with yer petpet." Hiterkuna grabbed Spike protectively.

by smurfafied1800
Escape from Kreludor: Part One

"Sadie...I know how you feel. But this is my final chance to prove to myself that Sloth hasn't won yet. Please forgive me. I have to got, but send my regards to Jenny when you're on Recruiting Duty!"

by cyborg8000
A Shadow in the Light: It has Begun - Part One

The figure waited patiently, its shadowed form low on the verdant grass atop a small hillcrest. Then, suddenly, a small crimson fire bloomed in the meadows below, and the figure stood and leaped toward the signal at a swift pace.

by rabbitofkittyhawk
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Gadgadsbogened Out

See for the fructose intolerant or the just plain grumpy, Gadgadsbogen is not a time to celebrate; it’s a time to hide out. Gadgadsbogen in fact can be a nightmare for some who want nothing to do with the celebrating and the overdose of fruit induced sugar crazies...

Other Stories


That One Unlucky Night
"What is that there, son? On your arm, a scratch I presume? And why do you need my help?" I questioned. He was nervous now. He settled down, but was nervous.

by fireandwater2121


The Strange Glazed Bowl
It wasn't just a normal bowl: it was brightly polished and had been pieced together form bits of broken stained glass windows. As a whole, the bowl was simply breath taking and unique.

by ticketytock2kay


Game Review: Meepit Juice Break
Why review this game of all the games in the world of Neopia?

by gritely


Gadgadsbogen Get Away?
So where do you go to get away from the party? The very opposite end of the world of course.

by jjbeard926


Rainbow Swimming Pool
Not for non-swimmers.

by plushie_patches


The Chronicles of Rohane: Which Glitch?
Who knew that Mipsy was into Cartesian philosophy?

by ledsrevenge2

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